14 Gift Ideas for your Young Adult Kids

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Can I tell you something that happens when you have kids? They grow up. They move out of your house and you miss them like crazy. You cry when you think about how much you miss that sweetness of having little kids and a different kind of full life than you have when they’re grown and gone. You know it’s coming…you want them to go have their own life….but when you walk around the house seeing their little left behind things it makes your heart sad. Then you see them becoming amazing adults and it makes your heart happy. So there you go, motherhood in a nutshell.
With 6 of my 9 kids all moved out and on their own I find myself scrambling this time of year for gift ideas. Since I can’t pay their rent for a year or buy them a new cell phone (WHY do they all have phones that are barely hanging on?!) I have to come up with smaller, yet meaningful gifts.
One thing I do love is how much they appreciate now getting a tube of good toothpaste or something practical that they can’t afford to buy for themselves. Last Christmas I gave them each a tube of Young Living toothpaste in their stocking (the kind they used when they lived at home) and they got so excited! My kids who still live at home gave puzzled looks…who gets that excited about toothpaste?! Yes, moving out and being responsible for buying your own stuff makes you appreciate toothpaste in your Christmas stocking.

So I made a list of gift ideas for these grown kids and I thought it might help you as you try to find gifts for your kids, nieces or nephews, whatever 20-somethings who are on your list.
- Let’s just start with toothpaste. We only use paste with no fluoride, all natural ingredients. Our teeth are too valuable to clean them with junk! But that few extra dollars to buy a tube of the good stuff is more than some young’uns can spend. I am telling you they talk about it all year, hoping to get another tube this year. The new Thieves Whitening Toothpaste is my fave!
- Phone charging cords are always appreciated! If you’re anything like our family, we go through charging cords like they are going out of style. Someone can’t find theirs or they break or they leave it at a friend’s. I’m a big fan of a 10’ long cable and THIS 3 pack is perfect! Extra charging cords are a luxury!
- External battery. I hate it when I’m trying to call or text one of my grown kids and they tell me, “Sorry but my phone battery died and I didn’t have a way to charge it.” Well now I can just say, “Darling….just use the extra battery I gave you!” #momwin
- A good lip balm is always appreciated. The Young Living balms are so dreamy and affordable. Get a few of the 3-packs and you’ve got a little extra something to add to lots of gifts…not just the big kids.
- Raise your hand if you can never find any fingernail clippers! Buying them a couple of extra clippers is just one more way you can help those kids along in their adulting. And if you get them a pair that is distinctive looking it keeps their roommates from stealing them and claiming it as their own.
- Board Games. Our family LOVES to play games and we passed that down to our kids. They need some games to take to their own place (basically so they don’t take yours) so here are a few ideas… Heads Up, The Game of Things, Wits and Wagers, Balderdash. They will love having games to play with their friends!
- Deodorant. While this might seem odd, like the toothpaste, we only use quality, natural deodorants. And while y’all know I adore Young Living products, I have to say that another brand edges out the favorite spot for me. I use Schmidt’s and that is what my daughters prefer. BUT all of my guys (including my husband) prefer the Young Living deodorant so you’ll have to decide which is for your people! But either way they sure do appreciate getting this with their gift!
- Food storage containers are always a win! This isn’t something you can spend money on when you’re young and poor so a set of good food storage for those leftovers is exciting to this age. I like to use glass, so these containers with lids are a great gifts for that young person on your list!
- Power strips. There are NEVER enough outlets for the needs we have these days. In fact I always travel with a power strip so I can be sure I’m able to charge all of my devices at night. This one with USB ports is my fave! Whatever you do do NOT buy cheap power strips…that is what caused our house fire last year!
- Scissors. Who doesn’t always need an extra pair of scissors?! And what young adult is going to use their precious money for such a thing when they can easily just tear paper and break threads with their teeth? This two pack gives them a backup pair when the first one goes missing.
- StressAway & Valor. These two Young Living oil blends are the faves of my grown kids. In fact all of my girls have already requested some for their Christmas stocking. They love having their own and use it all of the time. It’s not just for the gals though….my young men especially love Valor. Give them this gift of wellness and emotional support.
- Gel Grip Tape. This stuff is the PERFECT gift for that special someone who doesn’t know how to fix anything or drives a junky car or can’t figure out how to hang a picture on their apartment wall. It sticks to anything and is very strong. They will thank you mucho.
- Batteries. Just imagine being young and broke and not having to worry about buying batteries for a whole year! It’s small but meaningful. AA & AAA are the ones they need!
- And lastly, but most importantly, gift cards. Cards for pizza, groceries, gas, restaurants, Amazon, Starbucks, the possibilities are endless. If you can’t find the one you want at one of those huge gift card displays just do a search. You’ll find the perfect one for your guy or gal.

I am adding almost all of these to my grown kids’ gifts this year. They really do love these practical gifts and I get thank you from them all year long each time they realize I helped them save their money for more important things (like electricity and insurance). It may have been decades ago, but I can remember what it was like being young and poor and I want my kids to know I understand!
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