
A Book You Will LOVE!

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When you become an author you make a lot of friends who are authors and then you read their books and you feel so grateful to know these incredible people!  This has been an unexpected blessing since writing my book last year, “Mama Needs a Do-Over.”

There’s a stack of books in my bedroom that were all written by my friends.  How cool is that?!  I actually know these ladies and I KNOW their hearts and how much they love the Lord.  I wish I could give you a list, but I am a slow reader these days.  You know, mom-life.

So I will tell you about them as I read.  I figure, you’re busy too so you don’t care if I tell you about them slowly.  This way you can soak in each one.  And this book is a good one for soaking in.

Here's a great book you will love


Life in Season by Vanessa Hunt & Heather Patterson. Oh my goodness, I met these two sisters at a conference a few years ago, before any of us had written books.  We instantly bonded, finding ourselves huddling in corners trying to get more time together.  Since then we have stayed connected and when they told me they were writing a book I was just thrilled.

This book captures the heart of life at home and how to link the surface with the spiritual.  This is my jam….seeing God in everything and hearing the Holy Spirit whisper lessons through my struggles, even if my struggle is finding the perfect lemonade recipe to serve at a luncheon.  He’s right there too.

What I love about this book is how easy it is to read and it’s filled with Pinterest worthy ideas, but still hits you right where you need it.  In the heart.  You’ll love it….and it would make a wonderful Christmas gift.  It will encourage and uplift anyone you gift it to!

A list of great books you must read!

The book is divided into seasons (duh, the title gives it away).  I’m particularly enjoying the Autumn section right now since it’s still warm here and I long for a crisp fall day.  Oh to be sitting on the porch swing with a sweater wrapped around me and a cup of hot tea warming my hands.  But if I did that I would break out in a sweat and start complaining.  So I’ll just get my fall feeling between pages 115-164.

There are some simple recipes, craft and home dec ideas sprinkled in because these sisters do know how to make a gorgeous home.  But it’s not the focus.  The focus is Jesus.  And that’s why I love this book.

I do read heavier, deeper books too.  My mom-brain can only read those once every few months though.  I will make y’all a list of some of those some time, but those kinds of books aren’t written by my friends.  People who write really deep thinking books probably wouldn’t be drawn to making friends with me.  If we were at an event together they’d be the ones talking to a group about the original Hebrew meaning of words while I was straightening the table centerpieces and .

In case you missed it, HERE are 6 other must-read books that my friends wrote.  I’m so blessed to know all of these ladies and you will be blessed by their writings.
