Covering My Gray Ain’t Easy, but at Least I Got My Closet Cleaned While I Was at It
I decided this weekend was the time to deal with the monstrocity that was my gray roots. Nothing says “I don’t care” like dark brown hair with an inch and a half of gray at the top. I used to have my hair colored by the girl who cuts it. She does such a nice job and it was a treat, but now that I have started doing it myself (to save money, of course, because there’s really no other reason I would take on this task) it’s become a burden.
It’s messy and takes forever and I can’t just sit and take it easy while the color sets because I don’t own all of the lovely tools and equipment they have at the hair salon. At the salon I sit in a comfy chair reading and relaxing. I have a plastic cape on with all kinds of clothing protectors around me. But in my house it’s just me and a junky towel wrapped around my bare shoulders, being held by hair clips. I do generally have clothing on my lower half, but my top half is only covered by the towel because I have learned the hard way what happens to any shirt you may be wearing while coloring your hair yourself.
And no comfy chair. I have to stand the entire time so I don’t mess up any furniture.
So this weekend I cleared a couple of hours to deal with my gray and got out all of my hair coloring stuff. The bottles and gloves and clips and instructions….all laid out on the bathroom counter ready to go. And if that wasn’t enough, I decided to add a few other colors. Last January I put some green and purple in my hair and I really liked it. So I decided to touch those up as well.
I know, I know. Maybe I am a little too far out of my teens for the colored hair look, but I did it anyway. It’s not super bright since I have dark hair to begin with and I just did a few spots, not my entire head. I have always thought that trend was pretty so I went for it. I put green and purple around the ends of my hair and one small strip in the front. The colors fade pretty quickly though, so it was time for a touch up. Since I was already locked in my bathroom with the junky towel around my shoulders why not just do that too?
You can’t do it all at once though. You have to put one color on dry hair, let it set for half an hour, then wash it out, dry your hair again and repeat with the next color. Doing 3 colors meant I had a lot of down time in my bathroom. During the waiting time, since I couldn’t sit, I cleaned out some of my drawers (which are in my closet) and organized my shoes and threw out old makeup and washed the dog. I don’t like to waste time. Unless it’s at night after everyone has gone to bed when I watch old mystery shows. Then I’m all about wasting an hour or so.
And because I was half nekked, my kids couldn’t come in. So I listened to music and talked to myself. By the time I had set the last color my clothes were all organized, the dog was clean and I had taught myself how to make albums on my phone.
After my final rinse, I put on a shirt and opened the door, where Levi was waiting to come in and talk to me. He likes to be wherever I am and tell me all of his ideas. So while I dried my hair he chattered on and on. And then, because the bathroom looked like a rainbow explosion, I sprayed Thieves Cleaner everywhere and started wiping every surface. Levi just kept talking. My husband James came in the room to see what we were doing, saw my colored hair and told Levi, “You’d better keep an eye on her for me!” then walked out.
I pretended not to hear that, so when I turned around from wiping the sink and looked at Levi he pointed two fingers at his eyes then at me. I said, “What does that mean? Are you watching me?” as if I hadn’t heard his dad tell him to.
His reply: “Yep, I watch you whip. I watch you nae nae.”
SAY WHAT?! Where does this kid get this stuff??
I promise we have NEVER played that song or sung it. I wouldn’t even know the words. I nearly busted a gut from laughing so hard. Which in hindsight may not have been a good idea since now he will repeat it to everyone who stops to listen.
Even though it was a long, messy process, I am glad to have my hair done. My roots are brown, my green is brightened, my closet is straight and my bathroom is scrubbed. And the dog is clean! What more could a girl ask for?

Have a great week!
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