Day 2: The WHAT of Getting Started with Essential Oils
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We’ve talked about HOW to get started, and now let’s talk about WHAT.
I love sharing with y’all about oils because they have made such a huge difference in our family’s lives. I told you yesterday that I have been using them for over 10 years, but I didn’t tell you what my first experience was like. So, back then the kits and how to join were different (it’s SO much better now!) and so I just ordered a couple of bottles from a friend of mine. I got Thieves and Peppermint.
I already knew we loved peppermint because we sucked on the candy a lot for digestive health and other things which I can’t mention here because the FDA has put their foot down about what we can say. But Thieves was just something I had heard friends talking about and I wanted to try. When I got my beautiful amber bottle of Thieves and opened it up….oh my heaven the smell was amazing! I just kept sniffing it and thinking, “I’m not sure what to do with this, but wowsa the smell!”
I didn’t have any guidance, so I just started rubbing the Thieves on all of our chests during “the winter.” Then I read that you could put it on the bottom of your feet. Say what?! That sounded a little, I’m sorry, loony tunes. But I started trying it and I found that it really does work! Who knew?!?!
After a few years I decided to join for myself so I could order my own. I didn’t get the kit because I already had a few oils and thought I could just get the kit oils individually instead. I slowly ordered….lavender, lemon, PanAway, Melaleuca, frankincense….just one or two bottles at a time and over about a year I had spent triple the cost of the kit to get all of the oils in it. Don’t make my mistake. Just get the kit to begin with.
It was several years before I got a diffuser and I instantly wished I had gotten one earlier. They really are amazing with their fine mist of deliciousness. Now I have one in every room of the house, including the teeny tiny boys’ bathroom, because, well, it’s a boys’ bathroom. ‘Nuff said.
So let’s get to today’s 3 questions, shall we?
- WHAT do I need to get started?
We talked yesterday about the Premium Starter Kit. It’s the perfect place to start because it has 11 oils for you to try and a diffuser and it’s a great deal. Let me tell you from personal experience, you want a diffuser! I have had people say, “Oh, I don’t need a diffuser so I am not getting the kit,” and almost right away they call me, “How do I get a diffuser??? I should have gotten one from the beginning!”
You also want some information about getting started. If you join through me I will send you a few things to help and I will keep you informed. You can also order books through Amazon or other resources. Some of my faves are Essential Oils Pocket Reference, Healing Oils of the Bible
and Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple: God’s Love Manifest in Molecules
- WHAT do I do first?
When your kit arrives, open it all up and start smelling. Get the diffuser out and fill it to the fill line with water then pick one of the oils in your kit to add. You have lots of choices with what to put in your diffuser, how many drops, if you want to mix some together. But at first I would suggest just using about 6 drops of one oil. Try lemon or Thieves. Those will perk you up and get you excited about the rest.
Over the next few days leave the bottles sitting out so you will remember to try them. Open each one and smell it and see how you feel when you’re smelling it. You may be surprised that you noticed being uplifted or if your moods change. Look them up in your books and see what other people are using them for. Just enjoy your oils, you aren’t going to mess it up.
I’ll go more into ways to use them specifically over the next couple of days so come back here and check!
- WHAT do I try next?
Once you have had your kit for a while, find a place to keep your oils that is easy for you to access. If you toss them in the back of a drawer you’ll never use them. Line them up on a shelf or in the medicine cabinet or up high in the kitchen somewhere. Keep them out of easy reach of the kids, of course. But you want them to be where you can quickly get to them.
Now play around with them. Look up one and see how you might want to use it. Try something new in the diffuser, mix a couple of them together. You may discover a new combo and want to share it with your friends!
Read through your books and see what other oils you might want to try next and write them in the front of the book. Dog ear the pages and enjoy learning something new. And let the friend that you joined through know what you’re using and how much you’re enjoying the oils!
Fun Fact: Did you know that Essential oils cannot be patented?
This means that Pharmaceutical companies will never use essential oils in a pharmaceutical drug, or even waste money studying them. Inadvertently, the vast majority of doctors will not recommend essential oils as an alternative therapy, because their knowledge is limited.
Be sure to read through this whole 5 day series…..
Day 1: How to Get Stared Using Essential Oils
Day 3: The WHEN of Essential Oils
Day 4: The WHERE of Essential Oils
Day 5: The WHY of Essential Oils