The Great Furniture Switch
Normally our Saturdays are all about bathroom cleaning and naps. But this past Saturday took on a life of its own after James informed me that he really wished I would switch the living room and dining room. He asks for so few things around here. I tend to run the show when it comes to room arranging and décor, so I felt like I should do it.

Also, I didn’t mind that it would be motivation to get everything really clean, as in buh-bye dust bunnies and cobwebs. Under my furniture gets pretty bad. Plus, my area rug was on its last leg and I had been wanting to roll it up and throw it away. So on Saturday morning I informed the boys that it was going to be a mom/boy work day. After they leapt for joy and thanked me for the opportunity, we got to work. Plus I bribed them with money.

We have gone back and forth with these 2 rooms over the years with pros and cons for both arrangements. On one hand, the way it’s been for the past couple of years had the dining room right off the kitchen which is handy and makes life easier. On the other hand, when the living room is in that spot we hang out in there a lot and spend more time relaxing as a family. BUT that means when you walk in our house you’re immediately in the dining room, which isn’t my favorite. See? Pros. Cons.

Doing this kind of job is complicated, like one of those little 3×3 slider puzzles with an empty slot that you slide the pieces around until you have them in order from 1-8. You can’t do it without that empty slot. In the same way we needed to create an empty place to begin the great furniture switch.

We took a sofa out to the front porch and then started sliding furniture back and forth, cleaning as we moved each piece. It was like a dance: step left then slide right, push, shuffle, sweep, repeat. We even had music playing to keep us moving. We listened to everything from Rascal Flats to Star Wars soundtracks.

Slowly, slowly we chipped away at it until the furniture had been moved and the rooms were clean. Then we started the process of finding the best arrangements. Once we got the basics in place, it was time to take care of the finer details like walls and shelves. It’s a matter of trying something, stepping back, adjusting, wandering around the house looking for just the right object, trying again, over and over. I still have a few things to do and I’ll be tweaking for the rest of the week, but we got it mostly done.

We even went through all of the school books and supplies (which was a monster job!) and we cleaned out the games and movies. I am telling you, we left no stone unturned. By around 5:00 we were all so exhausted that we collapsed in our new living room and just stared at each other. No one moved for about half an hour until the debate began over who was going to get up and make us all something for dinner. That could only mean one thing….pizza.

On Sunday morning we were still worn out from the day before (and the past few stressful weeks), so we decided to take a day off from everything. No church, no cleaning, no social media, no school work, no nothin’. We piled in the car and headed to the city to just hang out together, have a nice meal and relax. We did a little shopping for a few things the kids needed, saw a movie, had some Mexican food and walked around in the gorgeous weather just enjoying being together. It was the nicest day I have had in months.

This week I have a few things to wrap up in the newly arranged rooms and a lot of school to get done with the boys, but it should be nice and simple. My older kids each have projects they’re working on, so we’re all buzzing around doing our thing, helping each other and spending time supporting each other.

And now that there are no more dust bunnies in that part of the house I am feeling a weight off that I didn’t realize I had. I always crave clean, but seldom seem to get there. This is nice.

And making my husband happy on top of all of it makes it kind of a perfect weekend.
Have a great week!