A Rainbow with Sprinkles Weekend
In case you haven’t heard, we have had a little bit of rain around here lately. Thankfully our home hasn’t floated away and since the weather app says no more storms this week I feel safe in saying we don’t need to buy that boat.
Normally I like to sum up our weekend in a simple theme for y’all, to make it easy to follow. But this past 2 days was so all over the place that it can’t even be gathered in my brain. Between the big party my kids had that lasted much later than James or I expected, to my drive to Austin, to the weird audiobook I listened to…and that’s just Saturday, Sunday had its own share of busyness, I can’t give it a theme. Unless we want to call it “rainbow with sprinkles“.
That’s what it was….every color of activity and emotion and then some extras.

My drive to Austin on Saturday was excellent. Did I tell you that I got a new (3 years old but new to me) car?! Yep. It’s such a blessing!! I drove it to Austin as my first big outing in it and felt so low to the ground. After driving only a minivan or 15-passenger van for the past 17 years, it feels weird to be cruising around in a regular sized vehicle again. It’s like a Mom-graduation-present.
“Here are the keys to your car that only fits 5 people. Congratulations! You are on the downhill slide and next thing you know you will only be paying for 2 meals when you go out to eat.”
But I can’t start counting that extra money yet. I still have 4 kids in homeschool and a long way to go. #worthit
On Saturday I had an audiobook ready for when I got tired and about an hour into the drive I turned it on. It was, let’s just say, not keeping me awake {{yawn}}. So I turned it off and went back to jammin’ with TobyMac. He will definitely keep you awake!
For the drive home I decided to download a different audiobook and it was so much better! The first was a children’s story that I was going to check out for my boys and the second was a success-in-business type of book. You’d think the second would have been the most boring, but the narrator was so good and the author tossed in a bunch of surprise funny lines and it kept my attention. PLUS it inspired me in several ways with my business. SCORE!
I got home from Austin around 6:30 and my kids’ big party was still in full swing. James and I took our youngest out to dinner and when we got home at 9:00…yep….the party was still going. It gave me flashbacks of my own young adult parties and seeing my parents slip up the stairs and go to bed long before my friends went home. I never knew how nerve wracking that must have been for them until last Saturday night when a houseful of “kids” (who probably wouldn’t want to be called kids) were here. James and I sat in our bedroom in the recliners trying to stay awake, but we just couldn’t. Our old age and full day got the better of us and we gave up and went to bed long before the party ended.
OK kids, you win. Mom and Dad can’t outlast you anymore. That may seem like good news to you now, but it’s only a few years from us needing you to buy Ensure and show us how to change the channel every half hour. Don’t get too excited.
On Sunday after church I had a nice, long nap then worked on some final edits for my book. Afterward I made the mistake of watching “Little Women”, which, as you would expect, made me cry buckets for an hour. Why-Oh-WHY can’t they all just be together?!
Although it may not be just the sweetness of Jo, Beth, Meg and Amy that got to me. These days tears seem to be right below the surface and I have myself a little cry at least once a day. It’s usually over something sweet and the gratitude I feel, but once in a while I tear up because a crowd of 20-somethings are in my living room at midnight. OK, I didn’t actually cry over that because I was sound asleep at midnight. I can’t pull anything over on y’all.
Looking back, my rainbow sprinkle weekend was great. Our home is intact, our family is still strong, I got to drive my new-to-me car, I learned some business stuff and I have a boring audiobook to give to my kids. (and if I wasn’t off of sugar I would be wanting a slice of that gorgeous cake in the photo above!)
Thanks for stopping by!