Procrastinate or BUST
Having our kitchen finished added a nice air of relaxation to the weekend. Or it could have been the fact that there weren’t paint supplies and orphaned dishes covering the kitchen island. Either way, good times.
Now I can start to think about my next project, which is my most dreaded project of all time….cleaning out my closet.
I keep the things I use most often very tidy in there. The clothes are on hangers and in drawers all folded and nice, but on the floor there is a pile of mystery items almost as high as my waist. I am starting to have to move things out of my way just to get to the clothes I need. When that happens it’s my signal to start thinking about maybe cleaning it out. Then I wait for six months to be sure then I start really gearing up to actually do it.
It is my way. Procrastinate or bust!
But I can’t avoid it any longer. I have a small window of time available before the summer rush hits and life gets filled with swimming pools and movie stars. (Name that show)
Speaking of pools, that is another project to be done. We have to get the deck area clean and set up and the pool floats all out and washed and inflated. That, however, is only an afternoon project and the kids will be excited to help, so I am not dreading that project. No one gets too excited about helping me clean out my closet.
I don’t actually have them help me with that job anyway. Who knows what forgotten Christmas gift lurks at the bottom of that pile? If they see it then I can’t use it for next Christmas.
My Saturday was spent mostly doing edits on my book. We are down to correcting grammar and punctuation, which, if you have been around here for long, you know is not my strong area. I like to make up my own words and use whatever punctuation key is closest to my finger when I am typing. My copy editor has probably been driven to drink after going through my book with his red pen. I definitely need to send him a balloon bouquet and a Starbuck’s gift card…..and maybe leave out the all caps words and excess commas in my thank you note as an extra measure of gratitude.
On Sunday we visited a new church. That is always daunting….you never know how it will go. Are they friendly? Will they pressure you to put your kids in another room during church (we like to stay together)? Will you feel uncomfortable? As an introvert, I really hate those situations. I am so not good at small talk and meeting new people!
Really, those of you with that social skill amaze me! I don’t have much to say to anyone until I have known them for a while and even then I am not a chatty-Kathy. I am happy to listen, but it feels rude to put the whole weight of the conversation on the other person so I fumble through. If you ever meet me in person you should know that so I don’t majorly disappoint you. At least, not over my talking skills. I have met people who have also told me I am not as funny as they expect. I am sorry about that…I may look for a joke app on my phone so I can crank up the comedy when necessary.
I could have used that at church yesterday when the conversations would hit a lull after the initial “Hi, are you new here?” and we would tell them our names. A good knock-knock joke would have helped right about then.
But anyway…..I got off topic there. The new church was nice. Our goal is to find a place closer to home than where we have been going. It is hard to get really involved when you have a long drive. We would love a more day-to-day relationship with our church family. We will likely keep visiting there for a few weeks then decide if we want to continue or try somewhere else or go back to where we were. Its a long, grueling process.
Thank God for Sunday naps!
So that’s it for my weekend update. Exciting, huh?
Have a great week!