
Please Step Away from the Computer

Oh my aching back!

I have either been driving all day or sitting in my chair working for the past three days.

I did a short workout this morning with the hope that it would help keep my legs from going stiff.  They are “stove up” as my grandfather used to say.  My calves are used to move movement and they have protested this limited use.  I wish I could help them more, but I just have too much work to do.

I have been up early and working late to get my book edits done by Friday.  I think today I need to step away from it for the morning since when I opened the file just now to pick up where I left off last night I couldn’t see straight.  Don’t be surprised if on page 87 you read something like, “Muzzle fuzzle I need a nap.”

So I am going to sneak away all by myself for a few hours this morning right after I take my first shower in 3 days.  I am generally a big fan of showering and, in fact, enjoy the process.  But for some reason, which makes me nervous for my 80 year old future self, I just haven’t take one with all of this writing to do.  Perhaps it is because I haven’t moved enough to actually sweat and no one is looking at me anyway.  But that is going to change as soon as I step away from my computer.  My family will be so happy.

I have some returns to make in the city and I may even see a movie.  There are a few movies that came out recently that look good, so I might just let my brain go numb for a while.  But no snacks….sadly for me I have really jumped back into my diet and I am determined to stay the course.  In fact, I have challenged my Facebook group (women who are dedicated to getting healthy) to a no sugar February.  They are embracing it; I am jumping in with both feet.  It’s the only way I can do it….otherwise I will eat one m&m, telling myself one won’t hurt anything, and it causes me to dream of swimming in chocolate lakes and practically climb the walls wanting more.

Hi.  I’m Lisa.  I’m addicted to sugar.

So I have already started the challenge and today is my third day sugar free.  So far so good.  I can have some tea with stevia at the movie if I am really feeling like I need a $6 drink and if I remember to put some packets of stevia in my purse.  It’s highly unlikely that those stars will align and I will end up sipping from my stainless steel water bottle that I sneak in my purse with a few drops of essential oils in it.

OK, I have now put way too much thought into my move experience.

Wait, would it be weird if I took a heating pad with me for my back?  Is there a place to plug things in?