Upbeat Christian Workout Playlist
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In my quest to continually keep myself motivated to run/walk every morning….I try to add fresh new songs to my playlist. Otherwise I get bored and my mind starts to wander and that leads to thoughts of sitting down and feasting on chocolate.
In case you are also weak minded and easily bored, I am sharing my new faves with you. These links go directly to iTunes so you don’t even have to go find the songs for yourself. How’s that for service?
1. Your Name Will Be Praised by Laura Story
2. Unashamed Of You by Chris August
3. So Long Self by Mercy Me
4. Live Through Me by Meridith Andrews
5. Beautiful Day by Jamie Grace
6. Lose Myself by Toby Mac
7. Overwhelm Me by Adie
8. Let Everything That Has Breath by Jeremy Camp
9. Constant by Francesca Batisttelli
10. Marvelous Light by Charlie Hall
That’s it….fun to run to and be encouraged.
I have other playlists that you will love….here are the ones from April and June!
Be sure to follow me on Instagram for daily exercise motivation!