
If Teasing Your Husband is Wrong I Don’t Wanna be Right

Today I have the burden of trying to think of ways to make a boring weekend sound interesting.  Because I doubt you really want to hear about my double nap on Saturday or the way we had to spend an hour trying to find a matching pair of shoes for Elijah before church.

I did get spend a couple of hours with Noah in his room on Friday afternoon discussing and planning the general Lego situation.  He has apparently caught the vision because on Saturday afternoon when I couldn’t locate three of the boys, I called up to their loft and they called down, “Yes ma’am, we are up here organizing Legos.”

Never underestimate the power of mom with a trash bag in her hand.

On Saturday I worked toward getting the house ready for spring/summer.  I like to change it up with the warming of the weather which means out with the piles of blankets and in with the vintage fans.  Even if the fans don’t work, it makes me feel cool just having them in the room.

James does not understand this concept.  But then, he also doesn’t understand why I like to just look around in a store where I am not planning to buy anything.  When we were first married he would panic when I would suggest that, just for fun, we would go look around in a furniture store.  He’d start to hyperventilate and say things like, “Um…we can’t buy any furniture Lisa.  We don’t have money for that!” to which I’d just keep walking toward the door and say, “I know that!  I just want to look at it.”  He never has completely adapted to this ritual.

I still like to play with him sometimes by telling him I want to pick up some vacation brochures or peruse the local car lots.  He never knows if I am serious and it keeps him on his toes.

I’ve been laying off the teasing for the past couple of weeks to be nice, since he’s in the throes of tax season.  But three more days baby, and I will be back to my normal behavior.  I can’t keep up that kind of niceness for much longer.

Now that we are days away from the end of another tax season AND the Legos are getting cleaned up, I may have to do some mock shopping to celebrate.  It’s the only reasonable thing to do.

One Comment

  1. Those legos can be a problem! Glad your boys caught the vision!

    The end of tax season is a great reason to celebrate. Go crazy and take him window shopping!

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