
Embracing Modesty, No. 24

This week has been unique since I’m traveling with 3 of my daughters.  They have been attending a writer’s workshop in Kansas City while I either hung around the workshop or spent quiet time in the hotel room.

The workshop is casual and lasts all day, so the girls needed to be comfortable.  Here are a few of the things they wore….

Hope is on the left, she’s the oldest of these three.  She and Patience (center) have on skirts we bought in the spring at Old Navy.  They are very lightweight and cool.  Faith (right) has tied a cute, thin top at the waist, showing the bottom of the tank below her waist.  It’s a cute look!  And her camo flats fit her personality perfectly.

On the next day they switched it up a little.  Hope is wearing a baby doll style sleeveless top that she wears over t-shirts in the summer and turtle necks in the winter.  Patience is sporting her “nerd” look, which is so cute on her and Faith got a little spunky.  Since the skirt is just the teeniest bit short in the front she wears leggings under it.

They got a little bit more dressed up for this next day.  Patience’s jacket is one she made from one that I was getting rid of.  She cut it up, changed the hem (which is really long in the back) and added some shoulder lace.  Hope’s got a darling, thin jacket that we got on Black Friday at anthropologie.  Faith found the sleeveless dress at the flea market and she adds a cute white top under it.

It’s been fun to see what they look like each morning.  I love how each of their styles fit their personality so well.

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to check out our Embracing Modesty Gallery to keep up with our whole year of modest outfits!


  1. Stunning! Hope is looking so mature. I love all the outfits, but if I chose a favorite day, it’d have to be #2. They’re all so lovely and good at switching things up. Patience’s nerdy look is fantastic. I suppose they took time to pair each outfit before the trip? 😉 It’s half the fun!

  2. Love your girls’ sense of style! But I NEED to know…where did Patience get her “verse, verse, chorus…’ t-shirt!?! Thank you!

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