
My Shopping Skills Put to the Test

Happy April!

I had a relaxing weekend.  I needed it after my week last week.  Mostly Thursday….girls’ day out.

Grace had requested for her birthday that all of the girls go out together and we did it in full force.  I spent my entire life becoming an expert shopper and feel that it would be wrong not to pass the knowledge on to my 4 daughters.

We got up early and made a long list of places to go.  Target, Best Buy, Charming Charlie, Michael’s, shoe stores, book stores, on and on the list went.  It was planned to the minute and required careful execution.  I’d drop the girls at the curb and go park.  No reason to lose valuable time walking to and from the car.  Or I’d drop them and go to a different store, giving them a time limit, “OK girls, you have 22 minutes and 14 seconds in this store….I’ll be right here to pick you up…..MARK-SET-GO!”  We gave new meaning to the phrase “shop ’til you drop.”

In one store I had to go to the bathroom so I told the girls I’d meet them after.  The ladies’ room was closed for cleaning so I had to use the family restroom.  It was a one seater with a door that led straight out to the cash register area.  I pushed the lock, but those locks make me nervous.  You can’t really tell if they are actually locked, so I planned to hurry as fast as I could.

All I could think was someone was going to swing the door open and catch me sitting there in an awkward position.  Sure enough as soon as my Spanx were down the knob wriggled and I had a small heart attack.  Much to my relief, the door was actually locked and it didn’t open.  But now I had the pressure of knowing someone was waiting for me outside of the door.  It’s a wonder I don’t have an ulcer from all of my anxiety.

As we finished up at the last store they were turning off the lights and pushing us out the door.  What’s the fun in stopping before the last possible second?  The very, very best moment of the day was on that drive home.  We all got quiet for a minute so I turned on a praise song.  I was singing and praising and then I noticed….all of the girls were praising too.  Hands raising, heads lifted to the sky, in one accord praising right there in our mini van driving along I-10.  It doesn’t get much better than that.

But I needed three days to recover.

Which is basically what I did over the weekend.  That and playing 100 Floors which I am now consumed with.  I played it off and on all weekend, dragging the kids into my elevator door obsession.  Have you played?  I can’t stop I tell you!  It’s free and fun for the whole family.  (this is not a paid ad, I just really like the game for its simplicity and family friendliness)

We had a lovely, peaceful Easter.  We didn’t do anything big or dressy.  We just celebrated together at home.  Dinner time was a long conversation about what Christ did for us and His sacrifice.  The perfect day in my opinion.

How was your weekend?

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  1. 100 Floors is one of my recent favorites too! And I keep hearing about this Charming Charlies…I’m going to have to check it out myself.

    And the Spanx part…made me laugh but only because I’ve been there. 😉

    Heather @ Lark & Lola/Last Day Ago

  2. Sounds like the best part of the day was the ride home. I always find rest in His presence, and you all needed rest after a day like that! Love your blog, Girl!

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