
A Great Weekend and Now I’m Tired

I am so, so, so, SO glad to be home at last!  If you don’t hear from me for a week or so it’s all because I’m busy hugging my kids.  I’ll try not to bruise anyone but I may not be able to help it.

I spent last weekend in Salt Lake City at the SNAP! Conference.  It was a gathering of creative bloggers.  You wouldn’t have believed all of the cuteness in these women.  It was just one adorable moment after another and I am exhausted. I did so much Instagramming that my arms ache from holding my phone out to take pictures of myself.

This is me in my gorgeous Soft Surroundings gown and robe heading out to the pajama party.  You know me, I overdress for everything.

Soft Surroundings gown and robe

Here’s the pajama party.  This room is where we ate, had a market and did the Lowe’s challenge….it’s so cute how they decorated it!

SNAP conference!

Once I got home I slept, then slept some more.  I am now enjoying the easy days of not having something big looming on the horizon.  Although I do feel a pressure to improve my sidebar and try to make Google love me.  All of the things I learned at the conferences are stuck in my head until I get them out and put into action.

My friend Becky and I did a session at SNAP! about time management that went really well.  At least we thought it did.  We got so much great feedback that we’re going to do some online hangouts and share some of the session plus some new ideas and answer questions.  Y’all are welcome to join us.  I will let you know when that will be.

After I rest for a few more days I am planning to get back to finishing up my painting of the kitchen.  I did the living room and dining room and then just stopped dead in my tracks.  I am still trying to decide about the color for the kitchen cabinets.  I’m usually pretty decisive about color choices, but this time I’m having a hard time.  Do I keep the same colors?  Or do I want a fresh look?  I’m even thinking about replacing the cheapo countertops, but don’t tell James.  He freaks out when I start talking about changing things.

You’d think I was making an important decision the way I’m mulling it over so much.  And let’s not even talk about how hard it is for me to decide what to put on the window in there.  I do know for sure that I am over the balloon curtains I have now.  Circa 1995.

Clearly I have some hard thinking to do.  I may need a nap to help me decide.

I hope you all are doing well.  What’s going on in your world?


  1. We’re in the middle of building my husband’s new shop. It’s a win-win for both of us – he’s glad to finally use his great woodworking tools again, I’m excited thinking about all the new furniture he can build for the family! 🙂 You know, with a big family you can never have too many dressers!
    Welcome home, Lisa – glad you were able to attend the conference, but I think you’re like me in that it’s always better to get back home! 🙂

  2. I am so glad you went to SNAP! I know nothing about it, but I follow In My Own Style’s blog. She posted all the cute cards she collected at the conference. Yours caught my eye! The silhouette of 11 people?! I was excited!! So I wondered over last night and love your site! Love your projects, your house, your homeschooling, all of it! I am a homeschooling momma to 6 (soon 7!!) so I felt right at home! Looking forward to more!!

  3. Hey, just wanted to comment on the curtains you said are from 1995. You should just keep them since everything 90’s is making a comeback! Just kidding! I am a little traumatized though at all the things that are coming back from the 90’s.:)

  4. It was so nice getting to meet you at SNAP! I thought you should have won beat dressed during the slumber party! I agree with you… I need to work on all the back-end blog details now!

  5. Gorgeous gown and robe. Very feminine.
    I think conferences can be very overwhelming with what you “have to do.” I say, sift and apply in bites.
    I planted lettuce on Monday, and am now thinking of cleaning my windows thoroughly. But, I’m not thinking too hard about it.=)

  6. I didn’t know you were on Instagram! I’ll have to start following you. LOVE the robe you had for the pajama party. If I had been there, I would have been fawning over it.

  7. Hello Darling Lisa, I just loved seeing you at SNAP again this year. You have been one of my favorite bloggers to meet in person. I thoroughly enjoyed your company & I wish I could have had more time with you. Your blog is great for so many reasons, but I want to thank you for promoting modesty. It is usually so under appreciated in today’s world. {I loved your white linen dress you wore to SNAP, btw!}

    Warmly, Michelle

  8. Lisa, you were the best part of SNAP as far as I am concerned! Glad to hear you are planning on some Google hangouts- that will be fun- hope I don’t miss it somehow! Thanks again for being so gracious and inspiring- you are AWESOME!

  9. Lisa, you were the best part of SNAP as far as I am concerned! Glad to hear you are planning on some Google hangouts- that will be fun- hope I don’t miss it somehow! Thanks again for being so gracious and inspiring- you are AWESOME!!

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