31 Everyday Ways to Connect with Your Child, Day 13: No Electronics Day

Sometimes you’ve just got to turn off the world and spend real quality time together.  At our house, we have a once a week ritual.  No Electronics Day.

On No Electronics Day there is no Wii, no movies, no handheld video games, no ipods, no electronic entertainment of any kind.  It’s like the olden days, but with A/C and a refrigerator.

The kids know this means they have to find other ways to entertain themselves for a whole day.  I will play with them or we’ll sit and talk.  Just the simple, pure kind of day that we tend to forget.  It brings us together.

It’s also a great imagination builder!

What do you think your kids would say if you announced a weekly No Electronics Day?

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  1. Every Sunday is our no electronics day. We have done this for years and none of our kiddos ever question it. In fact, our little guys thought that all families do this. We enjoy our day having breakfast together, church, board games, card games, ping pong, walks, flag football, or whatever else someone comes up with.

  2. We do ‘no technology days’ often enough. Sometimes I just declare it because I am tired of everything blinking around me but my kiddos. So far, the kids are getting used to the idea because they kind of shrug. Then, they learn to bake something new or have a different friend over or break out a board game. It is wonderful!

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