Holiday Home Tour
Welcome to our home for the holidays!
The front porch is all lit up and waiting to welcome you in…..
I did find lights for the porch tree and even though it leans a little, it’s a happy greeting.
And when you come in the door…POOF! The sun is shining (note to self: when you take more pictures the next day be sure it’s the same time)
I changed to white trees a few years ago. Our house is so small that the green trees were shrinking the room so I made the switch.
The boys’ favorite: a Lego Toy Shop. Your children are welcome to play with it.
On the piano we have the tree with the Precious Moments ornaments….one for each year we’ve been married.
A family favorite is Hope’s Christmas village that she inherited from James’ mother.
But my favorite is this nativity. Why, you ask? Because that wise man looks just like James. It makes me giggle every time I see it.
Moving into the school room/dining room…..
My kids gave me the Pottery Barn bread bowl a few years ago and I change the fillers for every season.
Here’s the view from the kitchen….
Our advent calendar….filled with candy and it’s Elijah’s job to dole it out every morning. Today I got a mini Mr. Goodbar (yum!).
My mantle….again….because y’all haven’t seen that enough this year.
If I turn to the right we can see the school side of the room.
Now come sit with me. We’ll have some hot chocolate then settle in for a long winter’s nap.
Be sure to follow me on Facebook for decorating ideas all through the holidays!
Merry Christmas!!
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I am in love with your porch! Porches are so awesome. I am as equally in love with the screen door. I adore swinging screen doors and especially the beautiful white ones with a neat design! I like all the white in your house. My son has the Lego toy shop, too. That’s a great idea to incorporate it into the decor!
Look fabulous! I thought we had a lot of trees…you’ve one “upped” me! Ha, ha! My Adam saw you boys’ lego creation and asked if we could go over to your house so he could play Legos with them…then I told him you were in Texas and he was like “oh”…very disappointed! He’d love to play with them!
Becky B.
Organizing Made FUn
Simply lovely. I’ll be right over! 🙂
Deb Mantik
This is just beautiful!! I’ve got a batch of cookies in the oven and I’ll bring them along to have with our hot chocolate.
Someday when I visit my family in Texas I will swing round to visit you. Your house is so pretty and looks very inviting!
Just beautiful! I’m so impressed with people who have the energy to decorate their home for Christmas.
Your house looks fabulous!
Your home is adorable! I love the lego area for the kiddos – great idea! The touches of aqua are lovely, too. Thanks for sharing!
I love it all! You have such a talent for decorating. I especially love your living room; the colors flow so nicely.
Merry Christmas
A long winter’s nap sounds like a grand thing!
I know you’re a friend of Gina’s and Leslie’s, so I already knew I’d like you. But when I saw your front porch decorated for Christmas and your Lego feature, I thought to myself, “She may be a kindred spirit!”
Your home is beautifully decorated for the holidays. Thank you so much for sharing it.
Oh my goodness. Your front porch is so inviting and the inside is just as cozy and fun as can be. It just screams Happy! Thanks for letting us into your Christmas home today. I love it! And my boys would love that Lego Toy Shop.
Have a beautiful day my friend.
So beautiful Lisa! I love your walk thru photo albums!
Oh so pretty Lisa!!!!!
You have a beautiful home. I would love some hot chocolate!
It is all lovely and fun, too! I think the boys lego house is wonderful!
Thanks for sharing it!
So festive!!! Love it all!! 🙂
I love your home….so pretty….sure wish I could visit and drink hot chocolate with you. I think we would have a great time laughing……cause you make me laugh…..Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Beautiful, Lisa… especially the stockings… 🙂 I think the Lord has been trying to teach me to wait patiently… 🙂 Mine are FINALLY set to be delivered to me today!!! I may or may not be waiting out by the mailbox at 1:30!
What a welcoming house. I love your style. Somehow you manage to make everything look both beautiful and REAL. How is that possible?? 🙂
I’m envious of your l-o-n-g icicles that must be o.l.d! I’m afraid that you and I are the only ones who have any of those left. I have 2 sets of white long ones, but OF COURSE every couple of feet, the bulbs are out. (I hung them out on the back porch anyway because I just can’t throw them away yet!) The newer versions don’t hang down long at all, but remain crunched up and squiggly. Who ever saw squiggly icicles hanging from a roof?!?! So, make sure your son keeps on fixin’ your lights! They just don’t make ’em like they used to! Glad to see someone who won’t bow to the newest trend. I find that my 4 daughters like same-O same-O because the familiar decorations simply bring back fond childhood memories.
I hope you don’t mind, but I am sharing your lovely home tour over at my blog tonight! Take care, Laura of
I love your home, it is so pretty!! The porch is so precious and I loved the precious moments tree with ornaments from each year of marriage!!
Your home is sooo beautiful and comfortable feeling. I really like your style. Would it be too forward of me to ask you to come decorate my home now ;-D!
Lisa, truly your Christmas home is so inspiring to me. The atmosphere you have managed to create in your home this holiday season is just so inviting and warm. My last post had your fabulous Christmas home mentioned in it. Yours is the first home I’ve seen with that much white that I didn’t feel I would sully up if I came to visit. Lovely.
Oh, Lisa!
It’s so cozy and fun and charming and I love it all!
Is the weather cold, yet?
It was 69 degrees yesterday and the day before that which kinda is weird the week before Christmas, but I like warm, so it’s okay.
Thank you for the hot cocoa and the trip through your home.
I have three little boys who would LOVE to play with that mini lego set. And I’m game for some hot cocoa.
Lisa, Everything is so beautifully decorated for Christmas and I especially love all the stockings on the mantel. I bet this time of year is so fun at your house. I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas.
Xmas hugs,
So very, very pretty and absolutely charming! Your white trees are perfect.
Still love your home!
And you.
Beautiful, both of you!
Its like a Christmas wonderland!
Love it all!
I love a good home tour. Thanks so much for showing your beautiful house with the halls all “decked” for Christmas.
Warmly, Michelle
Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust