The Complaining Continues

I was just about ready to make a promise to stop complaining about the heat.  But then I went to Austin on Saturday and my car thermometer read 109°.  My four girls were with me and when we got out of the car one of them wondered aloud if we stopped and stood there would we start to sizzle….like a hamburger patty on the grill.  We didn’t stop to find out.  Plus I started craving a burger, so we went to eat.

Besides the heat we had a nice day together.  We went to a baby shower for my sister who is having what will likely be the last child of its generation in a couple of months.  At my age I doubt I will have any more offspring.  Although…I did make a tremendous discovery last week.  I have been going along happily thinking that I was 47 years old.  I have thought this for the past 8 months or so.  Then I looked at a calendar and it occurred to me that I am only 46.  Holy wrinkles Batman!  I gained a WHOLE year.  That is the best news I’ve had in a long time.

After the baby shower we poked around Austin for a little while then headed home.  The best part of a day trip is the car conversation.  We covered everything from weird medical conditions to whether it’s acceptable to drink a soft drink before 9AM.  They all have an opinion and are not afraid to share it.  I mostly just smile to myself and remember how little I knew when I was 17 but thought I knew it all.

Now I am the mom with that all-knowing, but annoying little grin that says, “Aren’t you cute to think you could have a mansion someday.  I thought I could have a mansion too but I ended up in an old farmhouse in the country with an above ground pool and three showers that you can’t use all at once or there’s not enough hot water.  And guess what….I can’t imagine wanting anything else!”

In addition to day trips I’ve been cranking out new things for our etsy shop.  I’ve got a bunch of new items, but this one is my current favorite.

Yes, I have named it with one of my oh-so-clever names, “Monogrammed Cube Picture Stand.”  I don’t know why the catalog companies haven’t called to hire me for my mad product naming skills. I painted it with Deco Art Designer Series and let me tell you, it goes on like a dream!


This little stand has been sitting on my coffee table all weekend making me smile.  One side shows Noah and the other side shows Adam.

I’m going to have to make a few more or the other kids might think I am playing favorites.  Or I could just remove Adam and Noah and stick in pictures of children we don’t know.  Then no one would feel slighted.

This week I have almost no plans, which thrills me beyond words.  I get to do school and straighten drawers, fold laundry and write blog posts.

You can be sure I will be doing it all from the comfort of my air-conditioned farmhouse, eating burgers and looking at pictures of other people’s children.


  1. Love it! That is precious.

    Also, love the new “Faith Points” section *but* the header over the post on the front/home page still says James’ Blawg. Once I click in, it has Faith Points. Just fyi so you can fix it 😉 I really enjoyed re-reading the mothers & sons post, too; excellent 1st post to put up there.

    Hope you guys get cool weather soon.

  2. Hey can I jump on your heat hating bandwagon? 🙂

    We have a favorite story of cousin Tara (Auntie to my kids) taking the Fashionista to a roller coaster park for her 8th birthday. They left early in the morning and rolled through a Burger King drive thru for breakfast. Auntie T asked my daughter what she wanted for breakfast. The girl said, “Can I have french toast sticks?” “Yes, what do you want to drink?” “Coke??? Came a tentative reply. A coke was ordered.( It should be noted that Auntie T was childless at the time.) 20 sugar induced hysteria minutes later Auntie T learned that in regards to children, Coke for breakfast is not an option. But for adults, it’s ok. 🙂

  3. Oh, dear Lisa. You know nothing of heat. Not to “diss” what y’all have been suffering through, but would you like to come out to Arizona? It’s a charming land filled with asphalt that melts so the heels of your Sunday shoes sinks in the parking lot, nighttime lows of 92 degrees and children running amuk through the house because one cannot even consider putting their feet out the door. Ha, ha. Just giving you a hard time. I know you have been going through drought conditions.

    I wanted to let you know that I linked back to your post with the mother-son duet today. I loved it and had to do my version of a mother-son duet with my two year old. I would love it if you popped by!

    Blessings to you!

  4. Time with our girls is awesome, isn’t it? I love my four girls. And yes, soda is a breakfast drink if we are traveling in the car.

    I am so sorry you are still having such heat filled days…soon…soon it will begin to cool. Right?

    Have a great week – I need to get cracking here with the schoolwork.

  5. Jamie: But it’s a dry heat.

    So here’s MY hot story. We have two seasons here in the Philippines. One is hot. The other is hotter.

  6. We are actually having a little better temps here. It is still in the 90’s but our humidity seems to be down a little. I actually blogged about it this morning because it felt so much better.

    Yeah on gaining a year. Sure beats the alternative!

  7. We are just warming up for our hot and humid time of the year here, we have what seems like a week or two of spring and then it gets hot right through to April, so think of me sweating it out at Christmas when you are nice and cool!

  8. I cannot believe how much heat you have had…we have had an extremely mild summer here in So. Cal.! We’ve had over 100+ temps the last few days, but I don’t even care! I know you are all just a mess in Oklahoma and Texas with your heat wave!! I can’t even imagine the humidity! We don’t get that stuff here…I’d melt away if we did!

    I’m so glad you are only six years older than me, not seven! You are the same age as my brother so you’re still quite young, in my book! You are two years younger than my sister so does that make you feel good, too? I’m the baby…can you tell?

    Austin? I was there a couple of years ago with my hubby. I travel with him on business, from time to time. It was gorgeous there! We did a day trip to San Antonio, which was also beautiful. Mind you, this was in the month of April and the flowers were all blooming and the weather was gorgeous! I hope to get there again someday! Too bad I didn’t know you then, or I would’ve come over to that little farmhouse and stayed a night or two in your guest house 😉 {You like how I just invited myself there?}

    Becky B.
    Organizing Made Fun

  9. well now that makes me even OLDER thank you are. thank you very much. Oh wait, I forgot. I’m 39. Thanks for the smile today. Love ya!

  10. That heat sounds so….unending. Hoping you guys get a break soon. 109? Ugh!

    We’re having beautiful weather in the northeast, but that is only helping with the utter devastion of so many homes surrounding us. Irene left many people without much, and thousands won’t have power for over a week. Keeps those affected in prayer 🙂

    That cube is CUTE! I love the items you come up with – names and all. As for your age, lol! Been there, done that. I can’t remember how old I am any more.

  11. That’s a pretty clever cube there. It reminds me of a small table lamp and I think it looks cute next to the plant. Good Job!
    You crack me up…with the burgers,….got me wanting one now 🙂
    til next time 🙂

  12. The good news is winter will return and then we will be asking how long it will take to freeze and shatter. I like your monogrammed cube picture stand and am on my way to explore your etsy shop! Stay cool and enjoy a juicy burger.


  13. It is scorching here as well, not to fear Autumn is soon to come. I was at my friend Laura’s and thought I would come visit. I think I will make a similar felt wreath tomorrow!

    Come and join my new fashion Giveaway from Fresh Produce!

    Art by Karena

  14. LOVE the cube!!! (I too am hating this heat…especially while walking my 9 miles a week out in it…gotta get that exercise in though 😉 I have a time or two thought the people in store frames were so photogenic I might just leave them in the frame 🙂

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