Stop Mode

I live in cycles.  Run-run-run.  STOP.  I’m in stop mode now.  I have barely moved since Wednesday. I have been in this chair for two days.

I did accomplish some things though, like previewing movies for the kids and starting a book my friend gave me for my birthday.  See?  I’m not a complete waste of space. I even cheerfully listened as the boys told me all about the adventure game they made up on the trampoline yesterday.  fun.

I will have to get out of stop mode this weekend.  My parents are coming for a quick visit and they may want food.

While I was in my post-travel coma I also spent some valuable time on the internet and discovered that vertical striped skirts are in this spring.  What are we thinking here?  Can this be a good look on anyone larger than a size 2 and shorter than 5’9″?  On me it would look like a giant arrow pointing to my feet.  It would accent everything that is wrong with my body which is, well, pretty much everything.  I’ll stick to denim or black, thankyouverymuch.

I’ve also been playing Angry Birds a lot, which has driven me to near insanity.  Why do I do this to myself?  I zing the little birds over and over and over and I can’t get those ridiculous frog things to DIE!

Yep, it’s been a healthy couple of days.

I think I’ll get up and work on cleaning our eating area outside.  When the weather is good we eat out here as much as possible.

As you can see it needs some sprucing up.  And a broom.  I want to find something to hang in the big, empty wall space behind the tables, but it’s on the front of our house, so I can’t be tacky.  This is a challenge for me.

I’d also love to have a centerpiece on the tables, but there’s wind and rain and wandering chickens to consider.

Any ideas?  I’d like to remain in stop mode and have you all do the thinking for me.



  1. Your parents are coming round and all you’re worrying about is making some food?! Oh boy, when my mum is coming, myself and the girls run around for 2 whole days cleaning things that haven’t seen a cloth for years, hoovering things that haven’t seen a hoover (oh, you call them vacuums, don’t you!) ….. and then, 5 minutes before they arrive, we sit quietly with a book and pretend the house always looks this sparkly!

    Enjoy your time though 😉

    Oh, and big, bold, horizontal stripes. Eeek…. all five foot of me? I don’t think so!

  2. Frames. Something in a frame.

    Love this spot, by the way. I can hear the dinnertime conversation amidst, “Mom, can I please have another corn on the cob?”

    Now you’ve gone and done it. Miss my birdies who flew out of our nest nearly five years ago. Cherish the noise you hear while in STOP mode.

  3. How about one of those fountains with water squirting out of a lions mouth or something? Maybe some sort of planter?

    Vertical stripes? What ARE they thinking…

    Angry birds? Do tell…

    Happy weekend!

  4. Stop mode is good and just so you know, I’ve been playing Angry Birds right along side you. After about the 1millionth zing, I ask myself why I put myself through the torture. LOL!
    As for a centerpiece how about a heavy duty planter and a really convincing fake flower arrangement? Low to no maintenance. Just a thought.

  5. I have had the same issue with concern over flowers on the table getting blown over, and finally, I hot glued my pot to the table and it worked really well. Then when I was ready to take it off, the hot glue peeled up easily. I have a large wall next to my porch and have a really large clock hanging on it. But clocks are kinda my hubby’s thing, so I put it there knowing he would like it. I am sure that whatever you decide to do will look wonderful!

  6. Stop mode is a great place to be, this Summer I plan to spend a few weeks there. For now I will have to live through you, oh and I will be thankful I have never tried angry birds.

    Cha Cha

  7. Planters of real flowers on the tables and a trio of scrolly, tall trellises, with or without plants growing on them.
    Angry birds?
    Me, too!!
    I get to like Level 3, the 5th scene thing and CAN’T KILL THE GREEN PIGS!
    (They are piggies 🙂
    Maddening, I tell ya!
    I only stop zinging when the battery on the iPhone is dead.
    Usually when I smell dinner burning.
    P.S. I had Stop Mode Saturday and Sunday after preparing a 40th birthday surprise for a friend on Friday nite. Fun, but we got down and boogie-oogie-oogied for 4 hours and my feet hurt for two stinkin’ days!

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