Confessions of an Under-Sleeper

I often wish for more hours in the day.

I know God has infinite wisdom and my thinking is the equivalent of a pea, but really….I need more time.

Hi.  My Name is Lisa and I am a chronic under-sleeper (HI LISA!).  I stay up too late.  Being awake at 11:00 PM allows me to do the things I can’t do when noses are running and dinner is boiling over and the boys can’t find any clean underwear even though I bought them each 10 new pair last week.  I really don’t understand boys.

Anyway,  I stay up too late and then I have trouble waking up in the morning and then I stay up late again….round and round I go.

Would more time really help?  Or would I just fill it up with more of the same?  I start my night doing things like grading school papers and mending hems and end up looking up movie stars on Wikipedia because I am curious about how many times they have been married.  Or shopping for rugs I won’t ever buy.  I think I need therapy.

At our homeschool Mom’s Meeting last week a bunch of the moms confessed to doing this.  Sweet relief!  I am not the only pathetic one.  My friends are pathetic too, which, sadly, makes me feel better.

As I leave for my trip on Monday, I am really looking forward to the two days of driving all by myself.  Me and God are gonna have a long talk.  It’s been too long since I’ve been still and quiet enough to listen to what He has to say.  I suspect we’ll start with my staying up too late problem.  I’ll do some whining and complaining and then He’ll remind me that He made the sun, moon and the stars and I should trust His wisdom.

Deuteronomy 4:29 “But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.”

I need to stop asking for more time and start using the time I have in a better way.  Maybe I don’t need to know how many kids Brad and Angelina have adopted.  Could it be possible that this doesn’t affect my life at all?  Wow.  I am having an ah-ha moment here.

Here’s to time with God.  Here’s to sleep.  Here’s to finding those packages of clean underwear.


  1. I do the same thing! And when DH is on night shift, I HAVE to stay up late, or I just can’t sleep because he’s not home. The sad thing is I could smock and sew tons of stuff during those peaceful hours, but my nerve damaged hand and over 40 vision can’t handle it that late in the day=(.
    What route are you taking on your trip–coming out my way–Birmingham? (I have no idea what part of Tx you’re in, or what the major roads to Nashville are)

  2. A friend of mine made a comment at Bible Study this week that really worked one on me this week…she said why should we give God that worst of our time? Shouldn’t we give Him our best time, the time when we’re at our best? I have now begun getting up at 5:30 to read my Bible, do my morning walk at 6-7 AM {and spend time praying during my walk}….I feel like that is truly the best time of my day! I feel amazing when I’m done and the kids are then starting to get up and we get going to school and start our morning. I would rather stay up until 11, also! However, hubby tells me every night at 10 “time for bed” and doesn’t like us going to bed at separate times, but together. I’m thankful for that because I’d stay up later and do all kinds of stuff, too!

    BTW, I think that you’re right about knowing celebrity stuff…not important. Thank you for sharing your heart. Your blog is so wonderful and full of wisdom.

    Becky B.
    Organizing Made Fun

  3. Yep that’s me to a tee- looking up irrelevant stuff on Wikipedia because I just have to know. If I stop watching TV and movies I wouldn’t wonder about the actors and therefore wouldn’t need to spend time looking them up and any other interesting facts that I might have to link to along the way! PROBLEM SOLVED
    Have a wonderful time at your conference!!!

  4. dear Night Owl,
    To just get over the first few mornings would be the challenge. I want to get up earlier, but it seems, all the years of interupted nights due to babies….have taken their toll. So, no matter what time I go to sleep, it seems like I have to have a good 8-10 to feel good. I really love sleeping ALL NIGHT now. Even if now and then I do miss the snuggling sweet baby days, oops! I mean NIGHTS. Maybe this is just a stage. I have heard that when people get old, they don’t require as much sleep and it is easier to get up early.
    Staying up after the kids are all in bed is a way to unwind too. Homeschool Moms need that when they are with their kids all day everyday! Kind of re-charges somehow. And one more thought: Winter time makes us feel we NEED more sleep, shorter daylight hours and all.

    NOT old (YET) and still love a good long nights sleep
    out here on
    The prairie

  5. I do the same thing! Maybe it is being a homeschool mom, having so many kids, or something, but I do my crazy projects at night. Or I go to bed, and lay and think about the projects I could be doing for hours (literally). My mind stays so busy, I really can hardly go to sleep at all. My Mom and Grandma do the same thing (although they didn’t homeschool and only had 4 kids each). So, perhaps I can blame them? =-)
    Anyway God has been really convicting me about my late nights for the past several weeks. I want to be obedient to Him, but it has meant quite a few nights of sleepless hours in bed. I guess I need to work on taking my thoughts captive now!

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