Will Someone Please Vote Me Off this Island?

You may remember my Thanksgiving Eve toilet fiasco.  Or you may not.  I’m not sure how many of you actually pay attention when I’m talking.  I often think I can hear snoring when I write.

Anyway, we had only one potty for the past six days.  Now I know what it must be like to live in a third world country.  Every time I needed to go I’d have to ask James or Jacob to go outside in the cold and turn on the water.  I would do my thing as quickly as I could while the water poured in under my bathroom wall.  They’d turn off the water, I’d get an old towel to clean up the mess and hang it outside to be used again the next day.  Isn’t that a nice picture?  You imagine me all snuggly by the fire with my adorable haircut and now you know the truth.  Did I mention no shower either?  Well there you go.

The plumber has been here for the better part of two days and now, hopefully, the water is fixed.

But there’s one little, teensy problem…..

That’s right friends, an enormous hole in my bathroom wall.  Plus, not to be picky here, but my painted floor is ruined.

I have informed James that, as he should know after our long and mostly happy marriage, I can only live like this for 1.7 seconds.  After that I will start to implode and be unable to speak in complete sentences.

Yes, two holes in my wall.  Besides the ugliness, do you know what comes through holes in walls?  The M-word, that’s what!  Creepy crawly, rodent shaped things that want in from the cold.

This is not “Survivor” people.  I can’t live like a jungle animal!

You can assume that our weekend holiday plans have been canceled.  It’s a good thing I have always wanted bead board in my bathroom.

Plus, with my dumb knee still on the mend, I am going to have to hire the children to repaint the floor.

Merry Christmas to me.  I wanted an iPad, but I’ll have to settle for a freshly painted bathroom with new walls and plumbing that works.

And now that I’ve re-read this blog post, I can see why so many of you sleep through them.

You go back to your nap, I’m going to take a much needed shower.

Note: Ooops!  Did I not say that it is fixed?  Yes, I have a working potty and for that I am extremely grateful!  🙂


  1. I won’t vote you off the island, but I will vote that you get the IPad AND a redone bathroom. But only if you’ll have lunch with sometime this holiday season 🙂 I have my price. Shameless, yes?

  2. So, it’s fixed, then? I sure hope so. We (only) have 4 children, and one potty would be TOUGH! Not to mention that I hate mice and anything creepy-crawly.

    Here’s hoping you DO get your iPad.

  3. Oh I am so glad your potty is working! Ugh mice… at least its not bats! I know they eat bugs but still… When we lived in Alaska good friends of our didn’t have running water in their house. Can you imagine using an outhouse at -20? Been there, done that! You learn to be fast!!! To this day our friends still do NOT have indoor plumbing although they do have a well now and have cold water running into the cabin. Baths are taken in a galvanized tub with water heated up on the wood cookstove. Yep you read that correctly! In 2010, in Alaska, there are LOTS of folks w/out indoor plumbing! Crazy, huh!?!
    I am so glad you have your potty and shower back!!! And I am sure beadboard would look lovely!!!

  4. Sorry about the bad days with no water—but look at the bright side, new beadboard. We put it in the basement bath, because we were sick of sheetrock dust during the build. We love it!
    I hope your knee mends fast, but if not, kids work for free==don’t they???? It’s Biblical!!

  5. Lisa, I am glad that your potties are fixed. It is awful with a large family such as yours to be without working bathrooms! I must pick a bone with you, though. You used the word “cold” at least 2 times in that post. Once that someone had to go into the “cold” and once that the mice had to come in from the “cold.” Really? We have snow, 21 degrees and 32 mph wind. I am just not sure what you mean by cold – and is that word even allowed in TX? On top of that, I feel guilty that your knee is still on the mend (somehow I still feel it’s my fault). I am sorry!!! 🙂 BTW, could you ever use the guest house bathroom and shower during this ordeal?

  6. I’m glad the potty is fixed. I’m glad you are getting nice bead board in the bathroom. I’m sorry and quite sympathetic about the cold. I totally get it. Stay warm, get those holes covered, and enjoy having your bathroom in working order again.

  7. Oooh, I feel for you. Really and truly. Using the bathroom should be one of those things in life you don’t have to think about, organize, or clean up after.

    Happy that you’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and also, that any mice who may have been considering your home for their habitation are headed the OTHER direction in the tunnel. 🙂

    I enjoy your writing.

    Becky Smith

  8. I’m not sure I could get a coherent sentence out in that situation either. Ooooh, I know we’re spoiled, and I know there are millions with nothing like as much as we have, and loads of them would be happy with even a broken toilet, but…… Oh, I feel sorry for you.I would want the holes filled. Yep, I would think of the little furries coming in from the cold too. Eek! I would want them filled, er, yesterday! Sooooo with you here. I’d give up on the i-pod. That really goes by-the-by compared with toilets and leaks and holes and furries…. x

  9. I am so thankful it is fixed!

    Bead board will look so nice in there – I hope it gets done soon…we sometimes have issues with mice at this time of year…my husband so nicely tempts them with peanut butter on traps and that does the trick. Thankfully, I don’t have to deal with these traps….
    Now if we could come up with a way to get rid of the stink bugs which we keep finding hidden in every little nook and crannie….

  10. Who can live like that, hahaha. So glad you got it fixed, that must have been hard for everyone. But I have to admit I like the sound of beadboard, can’t wait to see.

    Cha Cha

  11. I can relate to your loss of a Chrissie Pressie, on Dec23rd last year my washing machine packed it in- now maybe it could have been fixed – sometime in mid January, but in the meantime I needed a new washer with washing piling up and people coming so there went the new TV I was hoping for for my bedroom and instead in came a new washing machine! Fortunately we were able to buy a new TV during January – so it was just little late for Christmas! I hope you are able to get your iPad (there is a 6-8week wait for them in Australia at the moment) and your bathroom fixed up!

  12. Those holes are nasty…we STILL have them after four years under the sinks from when we changed to copper plumbing! Yes, I fear the M’s too! God is sure teaching you something, isn’t He? I can not imagine having so many of you with one toilet….I definitely can sympathize!

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