I’m Locking Myself in My Room

I plan on spending the weekend in my pajamas.  I thought that if I didn’t get dressed it would make me feel better about sitting in front of the computer for two days.

I have so much work to do in order to be ready for my first seminar.  Maybe wearing the same thing all weekend would be the most efficient use of my time.

Also, if  I don’t change my clothes then I won’t say yes when my friends call to go see a movie.  “Sorry, I can’t;  I’m not appropriately dressed and I might not smell my best.”

When we run out of fruits and vegetables I will hold firm to my commitment to stay home and work.  No grocery store runs.

As long as we have enough Diet Dr Pepper I will be fine.  I mean, there have to be lines we do not cross.

I told the kids that I am going to lock myself in my bedroom tomorrow and spend time writing and praying.  It sounds so important, doesn’t it?  It doesn’t feel important when your hair is a tangled mess and your t-shirt has food stains on it.

I’ll think of you all out enjoying the beautiful fall-like weather.

Change your clothes a couple of times tomorrow for me, will ya?  It would make me feel better if I knew you all were fresh and stylish looking.


  1. Hope it goes well. I wouldn’t want to be stuck in my room with a computer all weekend. But maybe three or four good books, a little coffee in my flavored creamer , fresh clean sheets, and I would be set.

    Oh well, off to deep clean the second bathroom. Have the first one done and am trying to psyche myself up to do the second one.
    .-= MamaHen´s last blog ..My Little House- Untreed =-.

  2. good for you. well, it may not be all good. i hope you get all you need to done & prepared.

    diet dr.pepper will help with any project. i am a FIRM believer in it, as well.

    good luck.

    p.s. got your email ~ will work on drafting the post tonite, i’ll let you know if i need anything else. one never knows…ha!~ with me. 😉
    .-= this blessed nest´s last blog ..some pumpkins &amp bags have left the building =-.

  3. If you can manage to spend the day locked in your room in your pj’s and not take a nap, I will give you the super-Mom of the Year award. I know if it was me, despite my best intentions I would be snoozing before too long. Maybe the Diet Dr. Pepper will help. 🙂

  4. Wanted to add that I’m a Starbucks addict. Diet Dr. Pepper would be much better for a budget. 🙂 Thankfully I get most of mine through gift cards and swagbucks, etc. I am pathetically hooked on it.

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