The Special Joy of Being Me.

You all know I am a teeny, tiny bit OCD.  In order to sleep I need quiet, dark, cold, my own pillows and….don’t judge me….a nice smell.

Staying in a hotel is difficult for me.

I escaped overnight to get some work done and spend some quality time with the Lord.  I needed all of those things on my sleeping list above AND an internet connection.

Here’s how it went….

1. Spend four hours in the first hotel trying to get their internet to work with my computer.

2. Decide to leave first hotel with a full refund and go to another, less desirable place across the street.

3. Load my ridiculous amount of “stuff” onto a hotel cart (why are those things so hard to push?) and get it all in my car.

4. Drive to second hotel, check in, and of course, complain to the man at the front desk about the last hotel, even though he is not remotely interested.

5. Load “stuff” onto another hard to push cart and haul it all to my new room on the 3rd floor.

6. Unload everything and take the empty cart onto the elevator and back to the lobby.

7. Notice upon re-entering the new room that there are very bright lights outside of the window.  Turn out the room lights, close the curtains and try to make the room dark.  Nope.  Call down and ask for another room.

8. Go back to the lobby and get an empty cart, but forget to get the new key.

9. Load “stuff” onto cart, push it to the lobby for a key to a new room, push “stuff” filled cart to the new room on the 2nd floor.

10. Notice a strong artificial air freshener odor in the new room and realize I can not possibly tolerate the smell.

11. Decide to make a pot of coffee in the stinky room to see if it will help the odor.

12. Unload “stuff” and take empty cart back to lobby where the man at the front desk thinks I am a freak and pretends not to see me anymore.

13. Back in stinky room on 2nd floor I realize I have left my hanging clothes back in the last room on 3rd floor.

14. Call the front desk and ask for a key to the room I just left so I can retrieve my clothes.

15. Get old key, get clothes, take the key back to the man at the front desk, who is now pretty sure I have been smoking crack.

16. Go BACK to stinky room (where the coffee isn’t helping) and have a stroke of genius.  Put a pot of water on the teeny stove and add a few drops of the lavender essential oil I brought with me.

17. Decide, instead of doing my planned work, to eat Mint Milanos and play games on Facebook.

Traveling with me is always an adventure.

I wonder what tomorrow will hold.


  1. Oh, Lisa….I am just chuckling. Good for you not being afraid to speak up and get your needs taken care of, even if it makes the hotel front desk guy think you are on crack.

    Or, ummm, should I say “gee, you really need to work on overcoming your OCD”???

    either way, I love the way you described the evening. Milano cookies, and MINT Milano cookies, sound absolutely delightful. What a truly blessed evening you must have had!

  2. WoW! You must have really needed a night away to go thru all that….Maybe next time just sent the kids and hubby, and you can have peace at home where it is all set up already 🙂

    And yep, I’m praying for you ♥

    1. Oh Elaine you are so right! Why didn’t I think of it before?! I will stay home and they can leave. But do you think I would be tempted to scrub the kitchen from top to bottom and clean out drawers instead of relaxing? Hmmm…..

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