
So, what do you do now?

As a homeschool graduate, I get that question a lot.  It goes along with, “How do you spend your time?”  “What do you do all day?”  “Do you have any big plans?”  and the always frustrating, “What college are you going to?”

I know I’m not the only girl who has a hard time answering this question — I bet just about every stay-at-home daughter has similar dilemmas.  When you’re chatting with someone and they innocently ask, “So are you going to college?” what is a good response?

I hardly think we want to overwhelm them with something like, “I’m actually staying at home and preparing to be a wife and mother in the future, Lord willing, as well as furthering my father’s vision, developing and using the many talents God has graciously given to me, and helping my mother run the household, and I believe that college is a waste of time and money, as well as being a morally dangerous system of state indoctrination and a bad place for a young person to spend four impressionable years of their life.” *pause for breath*

I have just dumbfounded the poor person, who in all probability only asked the question in an attempt to be interested in me and my life.

But we also don’t want to drop our heads, shuffle our feet, and mumble, “Oh, well, um, I’m just kinda staying at home right now,” as if we’re ashamed of it.  Hold your head high!  Show that you are proud to live by God’s standards!

When I get this potentially embarrassing question, I like to think, “What do I need to communicate here?”  I want to put the focus on God, not myself.  I want to use it as an opportunity to show His goodness, not my opinions.  I want to put myself in the other person’s shoes, instead of thinking how their question makes me feel.

How about something along these lines: “I’m serving my family at home right now, I believe that’s where the Lord has me.”  And look joyful while you say it!  It is a calling to be proud of.

Reactions will be varied, of course, but that’s not our responsibility.  Our responsibility is to show the joy of living for the Lord, and let Him do the rest.

I hope this has been helpful to you!

In Christ alone,


  1. Well put, Grace.

    And you do a fine job of showing the joy of the Lord. Your countenance shines like the stars.

  2. Very good! I’m so impressed with your attitude. My husband and I would like for our daughters to do the same once they graduate. I hope that they have as cheerful an attitude as you’re showing and are unashamed. The skills of homemaking are very overlooked and underrated and if you’re not prepared, as is the case of the majority of young women, it can take years of time and some pretty hard knocks to try get a handle on things. Unfortunately, this has been forsaken for the last couple of generations and it’s taking a serious toll on our families and our nation.
    I hope you continue to encourage others to take a stand.
    ☺ Celeste
    .-= Celeste @ Cottage Dreamers´s last blog ..Coffee Table makeover =-.

  3. P.S. I totally agree! I really like the perspective that you answer with. You are absolutely right, people are so caught up in that you “have” to have a college degree that they never think about what the Lord is calling us as young women to do. It is a beautiful calling and we should smile, look happy and not ashamed about it. Thank you for the encouragement!

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