I Need Your help

I have made a plan. A weight loss plan that is. The rest of my life is planned for me.

I try, but really….when there are dirty diapers and goats and “Mom this paper is due today and I forgot!” things happening all around you….planning is futile.

“Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.” I love Captain Picard.


I seriously need to lose some weight. Plus Dad is now losing weight and I can’t let him win.

So my friend and I have a plan and I need all of your help.

We are going to start eating four 4oo calorie meals a day. Actually, I was thinking about starting with three 400 calorie meals and a 200 calorie snack. Plus exercise (yuck).

I will make my menu plan on Sunday when I make the family menu. Then I will have a list of what I can eat each day and have the ingredients all prepared. This eliminates my biggest problem…..thinking of something to eat quick because I’m too busy so I eat junk.

I want to lose 20 pounds by Easter. Actually, I want to lose 75 pounds by tomorrow, but I realize that this may be unrealistic.

Here’s where you can help. Ask me. Hold me accountable. Point and laugh and ridicule if you see me cheating. Say things like, “You said you weren’t going to eat that.” Unless you’re my husband. Don’t do any of that if you’re my husband. If you’re my husband (and most of you aren’t so you can skip this part), tell me I’m beautiful no matter what and act like you have no idea why I’m on a diet at all. Husbands are allowed to lie to their wives about this one subject. I’m pretty sure it’s in the Bible somewhere.

So that’s the plan.

Dad, you may be 14 pounds ahead already….but I’m gonna catch up!


  1. No problem for me because you really are very beautiful, just like Natalie Wood! You can do this. If Tony can lose 60, you can do it also! Good Luck, but I refuse to ridicule you.

  2. I have the same plan. I am doing Weight Watchers and doing Jillian Michaels exercise regimen. My goal is to lose 20 pounds in 12 weeks. I started last Monday.

  3. Thanks Jen. You've always been willing to do that for me. I appreciate your self sacrifice. 🙂

    I hope you lose the weight you want, but not faster than me. Lisa~

  4. I will NOT ridicule you. But I WILL hold you accountable. And exercise can be fun–too bad you live too far away for us to do it together. Just don't overdo it…."no pain, no gain" turns you off quickly. And IF YOU ARE exercising, your meals will need to reflect the need for energy. Not just in caloric content–in protein/carb load. DRINK lots of water. Be safe.

    Love you,


  5. I've not a doubt that you can do what you set out to do!

    Your a doer by nature!!!

    When I pray and ask for help past tempations HE always is there to help! And prayer is the key to any/all new ventures:)

  6. I have absolutely no idea why you are on a diet! You always look so amazingly beautiful. But I guess I'll join you. CR

  7. Jenni…..you crack me up!

    Tara (CR)….don't wimp out on me. I'm counting on you to be tough with me. We're in this together!

  8. Tip #1 You can do it you can do it you can do it you can do it.

    Tip #2 http://www.hungry-girl.com has some great tips recipe shopping tips.

    Tip #3 You CAN do it!

    Tip #4 Plan everything, snacks especially. dont let yourself get ravenous…willpower is not enough. I love those 100 cal bags of popcorn in the late afternoon. It keeps me from snacking myself silly during the dinner prep. Plus it's loaded with fiber…another weight loss tip…fiber you can't get enough of it. Pushes all the bad stuff right on through…all I'm sayin.

    once again, YOU CAN DO IT!

  9. Can't we just eat ice cream and chocolate and drive those little buggies around in Wal-Mart???

    Oh… All right!!

    I don't want to, but I have to.

    And I'm willing to ridicule too. You can always count on me! :0)

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