
It’s been a hard few days.

I’m not really even sure why.

No one is complaining. Things are getting done. The kids are fine with their school work. But I can’t shake the feeling that I am not really doing my very best. I feel like I am falling short in everything.

Is this something every mom feels? I’m torn between the baby, the older kids, school, home, meals, my Etsy shop, husband, church, homeschool group….and that’s just what you see on the outside. Forget about my diet, dreaming of extra projects, taking my vitamins, showering……

I don’t feel overwhelmed. I just feel like I could do better. The problem is not my circumstances. The problem is my mood. Blah.

Is it mom guilt? Hormones? Just plain tired? No one talks about it.

It can’t really tell….do I need a break? Or do I need to work harder?

Or maybe I just need to snap out of it.


  1. I think it's the weather, income tax time and law school, just to name a few. Or is it that your just normal? That in itself is a blessing.

  2. Jo Gail, you're probably right. It's a hard time of year for us, that's for sure. One thing that helps…knowing you love me. 🙂 Lisa~

  3. I know the feeling, but I'm not sure the reason behind the feeling is always the same.

    Ex. 1 Sometimes when I look at ALL my commitments: husband, children, homeschool, church, etc., I am not satisfied because I'm not reaching my own expectations.

    Ex. 2 I believe the Lord gives us these days to remind us of our great need for Him. Without Him, we can do nothing…we cannot produce good fruit on our own.

    Ex. 3 This morning I read Ecc.1 and my spirit soaked it up. I drank it in as if I was completely parched. The Lord reminded me all I do throughout these days and nights…all the things you listed…they do not compare to the importance of my relationship with Him.

    I'm sure there are many other reasons. Sorry to wax long here. I just know that "feeling," that "mood." I don't think it's just hormones. We desire lasting fruit from our efforts.

  4. Heather, thank you for the kind words. I can see that you gave it thought and I really appreciate it.

    The Word is so refreshing and I get into this busy cycle and don't spend enough time with Him. I will do that today. Also, at least for me, these things go in cycles and sometimes there's no rhyme or reason. But I thought I'd say it out loud. No one ever says it.

    Thanks so much my sweet friend. You always bring a smile to my face. Lisa~

  5. I know exactly what you mean. Exactly. ((hugs, chocolate, time with your dh, and God's peace to you)))

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