
I am telling you! I do NOT know how the pioneer women did it.

I cooked all day today. I mean ALL DAY. I am plumb tuckered out. I can not imagine doing it every day. Knowing that there would never be a time when I didn’t have to do it. Never. Ever. My whole life consisting of getting up and preparing food all day with no break. No ordering pizza on Friday nights. No pre-cooked meals. No Chick-Fil-A.

We did eat very well today, but seriously. I wouldn’t be able to do anything else if I did that every day.

No homeschool, no sewing, no laundry, no playing games, no gardening, no nothing.

How did they do it all?! I am humbled at my spoiledness (my blog…I can make up words).

I’ve made a list….

1) I can go to the grocery store and buy pretty much whatever I want
2) I have machines that do my laundry, dishes and floor cleaning
3) Chocolate is readily available to me
4) I have my own car
5) I have a closet that is embarrassingly full of clothes
6) a fabulous husband and wonderful kids
7) cell phone, internet, email….
8) do I have to mention my Kindle? Now I’m just beginning to make myself sick.

Really, I need to print out this list and hang it up so I can see it every day. The next time I have that, “Waah. I can’t think of anything to eat,” feeling I could look at the list and remember the women that gave their lives day in and day out to feed their families.

I’d love to hear about some of your spoilishness.