I’m Ba-ack!

Take me hoooooome…. ♫

♫ Country roads…..

To the place……. ♪

I BELONG…….. ♫

That’s what I was singing at the top of my lungs as I headed back today. Back to my little family, in my little house, in my little town. (oh the girls LOVE it when I belt out old 70’s songs while we’re in the car!)

I had enough of the big city to last me….well….a really long time.

But the International Quilt Festival was wonderful and the girls and I had a great time together.

This is just a tiny bit of the show floor….

We shopped ’til we dropped. Then I went back the next day for more.

Plus there was a huge exhibit hall.

This was one of our favorite quilts….

I’m not kidding you. Someone made that. Out of fabric. Teeny, tiny, itty-bitty pieces of fabric. The detail on it was amazing. We had to pry ourselves away from staring at it. But we had to. There were more important things to do. Money to be spent.

We brought home a few little projects to do and some new things for the girls to learn. Maybe someday we can actually do some of it.

Right now I just want to sit outside with my babies and sing to myself….

Sunshine….on my shoulders….makes me happyyyyyyy…… ♪

This will be reposted on my second blog.