I’m in Heaven

Can I share something with you?

Something so delicious, so dreamy that it will make your toes curl?

Here it is……

My new, clean, white, un-scratched by children’s hands refrigerator.

“How,” you ask, “Did you get this lovely creature to agree to come and live with you?”

Well I’ll tell you. The fridge in mi casita (old gold, from circa 1975) died. Muerto. Kaput.

I had been waiting, with baited breath, for this monstrosity to go. Last week it breathed it’s last, cold breath. Hooray!

I convinced DUH (I have my ways) that we needed to put the side-by-side, nothing-can-fit-in-this-thing fridge from the house….over in the casita. Thus leaving me without a cooler in the big house. I poured online over ratings and reviews and I finally settled on this one.

It’s called a “french door” refrigerator. Doesn’t that just roll off your tongue? I know it doesn’t have the ice/water dispenser. We don’t need it. We have an Ozarka water dispenser that gives us cold water. We are planning to buy an ice maker for the new utility room. I really just needed fridge space….and that is what I got!

Ain’t it purdy?

This is all of the stuff out of the old fridge with room to spare. I’m in love, I think. I may sleep on the floor next to it for a few nights, so it will know how I feel about it.

No more cramming groceries into 10 inches of space. No more near dead fridge in the casita. It’s just me and my clean fridge (OK, and the other 10 people that live here, but we’re not going to talk about what they will do to my beauty).

Thanks for letting me tell you about it. I knew you would understand how I feel. The other 10 people here are laughing at me as I wipe their slimy fingerprints off of her freezer drawer.

Oh! I can’t forget the best part….it has an alarm that goes off if she is left open too long. That means those 9 pesky kids can’t ruin the milk and ice cream anymore!