A Lesson from the Bathroom

As we worked and worked to get the new floors down we held fast to the knowledge that we were getting closer to having this project behind us.

Boy’s room….check!

Girl’s room number one….check!

Girl’s room number two….check

Girl’s bathroom….uh…..no.

Why? Because when we pulled up the old flooring we noticed moisture around the toilet. Lots of moisture. Then we noticed something else….something far worse. The floor around the toilet was soft, I’ll even go so far as to say dangerously close to collapsing. All of this was hidden from us by the cheap, vinyl tiles that have covered the bathroom floor for the past 6 years.

Truth be told I am grateful. It could have gotten a lot worse if we had not found it. It reminds me that is how my heart is. I love to discover ways I can grow and learn. I want to be purified. But so many times I don’t see it. I go along thinking I am doing OK and then I am shocked by something God reveals to me. My sin. My selfishness.

It can be hidden under the flimsiest of excuses…..I am busy, I am overwhelmed, I am tired. He gently pulls up the proverbial cheap tiles to reveal what is really happening underneath. He won’t let me live in the filth. He loves me too much.

So now we have to pull out the toilet and tear up the old sub floor and replace it. Then we are back in business. Someday this project will be finished.

But hopefully I will always be open to God working on my heart.