Let’s Talk About Beauty and Aging

How much do you think about makeup and skin care for your face?  We pay so much attention to what we eat and whether or not we are using BPA-free plastic and natural remedies and cleaning supplies and so many other things…then we slather our faces with toxins and chemicals.

Did you know that cosmetic companies are free to put pretty much whatever they want into makeup and skin care products?  The thing that stops them is a reaction from the public.  If we refuse to use toxins on our delicate skin they will stop marketing it to us.  And you can’t trust those ads that say, “All Natural Ingredients.”  I’ve seen at least 5 friends on social media promote their products (especially lipstick) as all natural and when I go look at the ingredients it is definitely not all natural!

I don’t want to pick on any specific company.  I just want to encourage you to find out for yourself.  It’s super easy to go to a website and find the ingredients to a favorite product.  Then just google any ingredient and you can quickly find out how toxic or dangerous it is.  I looked up several cosmetic products last week that were being sold as healthy and they had denatured alcohol (considered broadly toxic), and many other harsh chemicals.  And if the word “fragrance” is on the ingredients list it can mean any number of toxic chemical.  That’s scary.  I’ll just stick to products without “fragrance” thankyouverymuch.

Last week I hosted a Facebook event all about makeup and skin care for older women.  Why older women?  Because I am one!  At 52 years old I have learned a lot about how to adjust my makeup for wrinkles and lines.  We can’t keep doing the same things we did when our skin was all smooth and tight.  And we must stop putting toxic chemicals on our faces.  Age is beautiful and wrinkles are earned, but we can invest in pointing the focus toward the smooth places and draw attention to your gorgeous eyes.  There are ways to make aging look even better!

I can’t tell you everything I taught in the class because it was way too much info.  But I’ll share a few YouTube videos I made that will at least cover some of it.

Concealer, for instance.  Those dark circles we get under our eyes can be a challenge to cover up without drawing attention to those wrinkles.  I’ve found some favorite concealer tips for the more mature eye.  And foundation is another challenge….or at least it has been for me.  I’m so thankful to have found a Savvy Minerals foundation that looks fresh and is so easy to use.  And it nourishes my skin instead of damaging it!  Sweet!

But my fave has got to be the tips I shared for wearing makeup up your eyes.  I’ve learned some really helpful things on my journey toward getting older.  There are some cool things you can do to brighten up those beautiful eyes.

And here’s my final set of tips about embracing your unique features.  We all have something that’s worth highlighting!

I am absolutely loving Young Living’s new mineral makeup.  You can count on it not having anything toxic or harmful to your skin.  Every one of the makeup products I have tried from this new line is so gorgeous and the colors are beautiful.  I can’t wait for them to come out with more.  Right now it’s just a few things, but they’re the basics that you need to start with anyway.  Here’s a page showing ALL of the makeup for you to see!

And I haven’t even started telling you about all my skin care faves.  I have seen HUGE differences in my skin since I started using the Young Living Art Skin Care line’s cleaner, toner and moisturizer.  So many friends have commented on how great my skin is looking.

One last thing before I wrap this up is that I want to make sure we all focus on what God says about true beauty.  In 1 Samuel 16:7 it says, “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”  How cool is that?!

That means we need to be working on our heart attitudes a whole lot more than makeup or face wash.  I love makeup and playing around with it to help me look more radiant, but I really love how my heart attitude is reflected in my expressions and how the peace of Jesus shines through when I smile at someone.  Don’t put external beauty ahead of inner beauty.

For me they go hand in hand….feeling beautiful inside and out.  God guides me to work on my heart, getting out the ugliness there.  He gently directs me in His Word to let go of hurts and bitterness.  At the same time I am learning how to wear makeup that brings out the best in my physical features.  I always have praise music blasting when I am putting on my makeup to keep me focused on Him and His goodness.

I do hope you’ll try some of the new mineral makeup and watch some of my tips so you know what to do when your order arrives.

Let’s get you started!  Head over to Young Living and order the Basic Starter Kit (which has StressAway oil and lots of samples) then add foundation, blush, eyeshadow and lipstick.  And if you want to complete the look go ahead and grab some Misting Spray and Multi-Tasker too.  I didn’t wait to use up my old makeup to buy this.  I decided it wasn’t worth putting the toxins on my face anymore and I jumped in with both feet.  I am SO glad I did!!!

How, you might ask, do you figure out what foundation color you need?  It’s very forgiving, but here’s a video I found that should help!  I wear Warm #2, but I can also wear Cool #2 so it’s been easy for people to find their color.

Pop over to the Young Living sign up page to get started!  And, of course, you can also just order the big Premium Starter Kit and get your oils while you’re at it. I could go on and on about how much those have changed my life.  But for today, we will stick to the makeup.

Have a great week!  I’m available to help with questions.  Just leave me a comment here and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as I can.