The Crazy Wedding Lady Lives Here

wedding planning isn't for the faint of heart. :)

In a week I will be decorating the church and getting ready for our daughter’s rehearsal dinner.  Right now I feel like Lisa has disappeared and the crazy-wedding-lady has stepped into her body.  There is so much to do that I’m getting up before 5:00 am each day to work on my regular life so I can be doing wedding things by 9:00 am.  Then I force myself to go to bed by midnight with hot glue stuck to my fingers.  I’m running on essential oils and a dream.

Having the wedding take place so far from home means we have to haul all of the food, flowers, décor, people, clothing, tools, boxes and boxes of miscellaneous junk.  That means getting cars fixed and possibly renting a trailer.  And I haven’t even thought about what we will eat while we’re there….I mean I assume my kids will expect breakfast, lunch and dinner for the couple of days we are there to set up.

I may be in a little over my head, but I do have wonderful friends who are helping and coming to serve our family.  I can’t even imagine what I’d do without them!  Three dear ladies came over yesterday and helped make decorations.  In order to keep the costs low, I’m making as much as I can.  I’ve been working on it for 2 months, but now that we’re down to the wire I’m seeing that it’s too much for one woman to pull off.  So they were there, ready, waiting to jump in.

We sat around my dining room all day yesterday laughing and gluing and making lists and talking about our lives.  These gals can make anything into a great time!  Once I got to laughing so hard I almost spit my drink out my nose.

Every time one of them suggested adding anything to my to-do list or changing something I’ve already done I’d yell my new catch phrase, “It’s too late!  I don’t even care about that anymore!”  It was then that I realized I have disappeared and become the crazy-wedding-lady.  She only thinks about getting through the wedding and not listening to others.  She’s not nice.  I want her to go back into her shell.

Thankfully my friends are patient and they took it in stride.  Actually, they laughed at me about it most of the time, which helped.  I’d start to laugh at myself and it washed away the stress.

And today my kids are my helpers.  They have been so wonderful to constantly ask me what they can do to help.  I love sitting and working with them.  We get to talk and they tell me their story ideas and things they want to do in the future and jokes they’ve heard.  Really, I wish we could bottle every second.  In 10 days it’ll be over, we will be unloading it all from the wedding and putting it away until it’s needed again.

Great.  Now I’m gonna cry.

Crazy-wedding-lady cries a lot too.  She can’t help it.  Her children mean the world to her.

Aaaand now I am talking about myself in third person.  It’s official.  I’ve lost my mind.

Before I close I do want to point out that I am really enjoying the wedding prep.  It’s all such fun and turning out so well.  It’s just a lot of it, but I am going to roll with whatever gets done in the end and enjoy the day.  I can work ’til I drop then let go of whatever didn’t get done.

I can’t wait to show you the photos of all the things we are doing to make this the wedding of my daughter’s dreams.  I want her to feel loved through all of these efforts and craziness.

Have a great weekend!

Don’t miss my tips for making and sticking to the wedding budget!