
Smile! It Increases Your Face Value!

(I am an Invisalign MAB member and one of my sons is receiving complimentary treatment but all opinions completely my own!)

Come on over and share your smile story!!!

Did you know what a smile can do for you and the people around you?  Here are a few fun facts about smiling:

  1. It actually improves your mood.  Studies show that the simple act of smiling sends the message to your brain that you are happy.
  2. It helps others feel better.  Like a kind word or happy song, a smile cad cheer up another person.
  3. It makes you look prettier.  There’s really nothing like a big smile to make you look your most gorgeous.
  4. It can lead to laughter….and we know what the Bible says about laughter….it’s GOOD MEDICINE!
  5. It’s a natural stress reducer.  You’d be surprised to discover how much more relaxed you can be just from smiling a few extra times a day.
  6. It boosts your immune system.  If smiling relaxes you, then it also naturally helps your body fight off germs.  The more relaxed you are, the healthier you are!
  7. It makes you look successful.  Have you ever seen a person smiling and wondered what they have going on in their life that’s so good?  It can actually make you look like you have a great life which communicates success!
  8. It puts others at ease.  Meeting someone that is frowning (like me!) can make someone uncomfortable.  Should you talk to them?  Are they worried?  Do you even want to know what’s happening in their life?!  Smiling helps other people feel more comfortable.

I definitely need to work on smiling more.  It’s one of my many weaknesses….I don’t smile enough naturally.  I can be all happy and cheerful on the inside but often no one can tell.  I am convinced that God gave me a natural frowny face as a life challenge.  I sometimes smile at myself in the mirror so I can see how much better my face looks when there’s a happy expression on it.  It may be embarrassing, but it actually helps!

When I started speaking to women’s groups a few years ago, a friend of mine told me, “You need to smile more when you speak.  It will really bless your audience.”  I knew I wasn’t super smiley, but I hadn’t really thought about how it affected the listener.  So I began to really work on it, besides looking in the mirror and practicing, I also tried to remember to smile at least twice in every conversation.  Even if I am on the phone with someone, smiling changes the mood of the discussion.

Recently I made myself a challenge….to smile for 10 seconds when I am talking with someone.  Do you know how HARD it is so smile for TEN SECONDS?!  Especially for someone like me who tends to have that airport face on all the time.  You know, the one that says, “I am not.in.the.mood to talk to you.”  I will not even realize I am doing it, so I try to remind myself of how great it feels to me when someone smiles at me and then try to give that feeling to other people.  So if you’re talking to me and I look different than usual, know that I am probably practicing my smile.  Maybe even smile back at me to help me see if it’s working.

Come see 8 reasons smiling is good for you!!!


I’m not insecure about my smile though, I just don’t naturally grin.  But many people are insecure about their smile.  One of my sons, for example, used to keep his lips closed when he smiled or he covered his mouth.  He was really self-conscious about his extremely crooked teeth.  Of COURSE we encourage confidence no matter how you look!  That’s so, so important!  I am also glad we were able to use the Invisalign treatment and get those gorgeous teeth straightened.

A big, confident smile can really make a difference in every area of your life.  Family relationships, work, church and community friends, even how you see yourself can all be improved with a joyful beam.  I am also amazed at how much better I feel when I am smiling.  It’s an instant happy pill….like sunshine and chocolate.  My son has found his smile and it does my mama heart good to see his face light up with confidence.

Here’s a really sweet video about how some other people found their smile too:

The folks at Invisalign are interested in your smile story!  Click HERE to see how you can not only share your story, but enter to win a “Smile Grant” for free Invisalign treatment!

Say WHAT?!  Now that should make anyone smile!

So, let’s all smile more!!  I hope you’ll head over to the Smile Grant page and share your best smile story!

If you liked this you’ll also like my Ten Reasons to Use Invisalign and 5 Tips for Helping Your Teen with Invisalign!

And for extra fun, hop over to Facebook and tell me if you know what move the title of this post came from!

Again, I am an Invisalign MAB member and one of my sons is receiving complimentary treatment.  My opinions are completely my own and I only work with companies whose products I believe in.  Click HERE to read the full disclosure statement.