I Hope You Don’t Mind Sawdust in Your Food

Well, the kitchen makeover is underway.  We have been chipping away at it while still trying to do school and get the out-of-control weeds in the yard taken care of.  They say it takes a village to raise a child….it takes an entire community just to get through a day around here!

After getting the school lessons and assignment handed out in the morning, we divide and conquer.  And I bounce from one project to the other.  Literally yesterday afternoon we had 6 different things going on at once and that doesn’t count my CPA husband holed up in his office trying to survive tax season 2015.  I moved from one project to the other, handling issues and helping wherever I could.

I about fell into bed last night.  With my clothes on.  At 8:00.

Today I get to spend the whole, entire day with my 3 girls.  Two of them have birthdays next week, so they wanted to have a big shopping day in celebration.  I, being the sacrificing kind of mom that I am, agreed to take them.  I will be driving them from store to store carrying shopping bags, holding places in line and offering fashion opinions.

I am looking forward to watching them search for the perfect accessory and dig for good finds.  I love the mom job of carrying clothes in and out of the dressing room while they try things on.  I love telling them how cute they look in something new.  I love finding one or two opportunities to say, “You know what, let me buy that for you and you can use your money for something else,” as a little surprise.

Shopping taps into my spiritual gifts.  In fact, I heard my husband say to one of my kids the other day, “If you need that book right away you would be smart to tell your mom instead of me.  She has the spiritual gift of Amazon.”  I am so glad after almost 29 years of marriage he finally appreciates my talents.

While the girls and I are out, the boys will be home working with Dad on the yard, doing their school assignments and who knows what else.  I try not to ask the boys what they did while they are alone.  I kind of assume I don’t really want to know the answer.  As long as the house is intact and there is no blood or broken bones when I get home I am satisfied.

And the intact house isn’t even a deal breaker.

The rest of the week is all about finishing up the kitchen job.  I have a few small things I still need to figure out, but it’s coming together.  I am looking forward to having my kitchen back.  We have been cooking around the mess and it’s a pain.  Yesterday I found on of the boys sanding the cabinet right above a plate of food.  Salt?  Sawdust?  What’s the difference?

I don’t know who’s plate it was, but I just walked away.

A little extra fiber never hurt anyone.

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