
Time sure is flying past….February 10….really?!

You’d think I could wrap my mind around the weekend being over since I stayed home the almost whole time and did pretty much nothing.  But no, I am still shocked that it’s Monday, February 10, 2014.  Truth be told, I am still stuck somewhere in 2003.

All day Friday and Saturday we kind of cleaned the house and filled Shop24 orders.  When I say “kind of clean” that’s what I call surface-not-really-clean-but it-will-fool-anyone-who-stops-by kind of cleaning.

At some point on Saturday I decided enough was enough with my bedroom/dumping ground so I planted myself in there and started going through everything that was sitting out.  You see, my TV died a while ago so I bought a new one last week and that turned into a major undertaking.  It was a different size than the old one, so furniture had to be moved and drawers had to be emptied and basically my bedroom looked like a nuclear explosion.

I could no longer handle the mess.  It was stuff from drawers that I hadn’t even looked at for years, but for some reason felt the need to pick through it all.  Papers and extinct cords and old notes from friends.  After a 3 hour junk drawer intervention with myself I had whittled it down to a fraction of what I started with.  Three points for me!

I predict my bedroom will stay clean for one and a half days.

This morning I am heading to a local MOPS group to talk with them about natural health and essential oils.  And of course, my beloved Lift Caps which makes me so happy I can’t tell you.  I love telling other moms about the Lift Caps since they have helped me so much in my health/weight loss journey.

The rest of this week is full.  One of the kids has a birthday, I’m getting my hair colored, grocery shopping, orthodontist, visits with friends and a funeral.  I hope to get some homeschooling done in between appointments.

I am aware that Valentine’s Day is in there too, but I’m ignoring it because my husband is taking the Bar Exam in 2 weeks and I think he forgot that he is married.  I have decided to give him some slack on this since I am afraid that if I mention it his brain might explode.

I’m just that kind of wife.  OK, actually I am not.  I am usually more high maintenance than that, but I can be a big girl just this once.

But just once.  Have a great week.

One Comment

  1. Good for you!! For the cleaning and being a big girl, too! 🙂 It sounds like a full weekend and week ahead!
    My son was born on Valentine’s Day and my husband tries to say that he is covered for valentine gifts for life- there really is no topping that one!- but I think it really should be the other way around since I really did most of the work. 🙂

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