
Getting Healthy: I Had What I Needed All Along

It’s been 4 months since I started trying to get healthy.  I wanted to lose weight and take better care of myself.  I was resolved to change my diet, but I just did not want to exercise.

I’ve never liked exercise.  I really like sitting.  I REALLY like sleeping.  I would constantly find reasons not to workout.

I didn’t feel good, I had my “lady days”, I couldn’t leave my kids, I couldn’t do it with my kids, I couldn’t do it at home, I needed a gym membership, I was tired, I was too busy.  Sound familiar?

Then I started asking God to show me what I needed to do to get healthy even though I knew the answer already.  Diet alone wasn’t enough.  I had to move more and do it with purpose.

And God showed me something that had not occurred to me before.  He had already given me everything I needed to get started.  I just had to open my eyes and see it.  I needed to care about how I was using this body God gave me and just start moving.

Since I don’t have access to a gym I decided to try walking down my road.  It’s just a quiet, country road and it’s pleasant.  I knew that because I had driven on it many times, but not once had I walked on it.  And if I got out of bed an hour earlier than usual I could walk before the kids woke up.  And if I did it every day then I wouldn’t have to decide whether or not to do it when I woke up, thus giving myself an open door to talk myself out of it.

So I did it.  I got up at 6:30AM and walked down the street.  I just went half a mile, I was completely worn out, but I did feel a sense of accomplishment.  I tried.  Then the next day I did it again….and again each day after that going a little farther each time. Pushing myself a little past my comfort zone each morning.

Now, 4 months later, I am walking between 4 and 5 miles every day.  I have set a new goal to shave off time by making myself move faster.  Lately I am also doing some arm exercises while I walk to get some upper body toning.

It turned out that I had it right there in front of me all along.  Like Dorothy and the ruby red slippers.  I always had the power to succeed.

Getting healthy: You already have what you need right where you are

Now I am making plans for ways I can keep increasing the challenge and keep it fresh.  I am sure if I keep my eyes open I will find new ways to make my morning walk continue to push me.

The unexpected bonus is that I am getting an hour every morning to pray and praise.  I listen to music and I let my thoughts turn to prayers and by the time I get home not only am I physically refreshed but spiritually as well.

If you are looking for ways to move more I hope you will be encouraged to look around you and open your eyes to the possibilities.  No matter what you have available to you, there is a way to get some exercise in.

It’s right there for you if you just open your eyes and look.

I’d love to hear more ideas on how some of you are getting exercise right where you are!

Follow me on Instagram for daily pictures from my morning walks!


  1. I was enjoying getting out and walking and even some jogging stints in between the walking, but it has turned cold – 22 yesterday morning, and I just do not like to be cold. I exercised inside yesterday, but I had to push myself to do it.

    1. Good for you Joy! I have some DVDs ready in case I have to exercise inside. We actually have a treadmill, but I hate doing it. But I will do it if it’s my only option. We don’t have to love it, right? You’re doing great! Lisa~

  2. Has anyone ever had the problem of uncontrollable itching during walking? My legs, from my knee up itch so badly I want to claw them until they bleed when I walk fast. I don’t know how to work around this, as this is really painful to endure every day!?! Any suggestions?

    1. Sonya, I hope someone has an answer for this! I do have some itching on my thighs, but it isn’t as bad as yours. Does it do it if you do other exercises like biking or swimming? I think I’d try a different route! Lisa~

    2. It has something to do with your circulation, it’s a good thing, blood is moving that hasn’t moved for while, the more you exercice it will begin to go away!

  3. I’m 40 yrs old, I have hypothyroidism and I’m constantly struggling with my weight. I want to loose, I try to loose for a couple weeks then, I just loose motivation. Ten years ago, I could run 6 mi/day, I was healthy and then life happened. I had my 3rd child at age 35 and I’ve just not been able to get back to where I was. Thank you so much for sharing your story, for your honesty, and for your encouragement. I have about 80 lbs to loose- and I’m going to start where you started, tomorrow morning. Walking & praying. Prayerfully, my eyes will be opened in the same way as yours! God’s Blessings to you!!

    1. Oh Michelle I SO understand where you’re coming from!!! Why is it so hard to get that motivation to really take care of ourselves. The exciting part for me is that once you make yourself (I am not kidding….I pretty much FORCED it at first) it gets easier. Please keep me updated on how you’re doing. If you’re on Facebook I’d love to add you to my group where we are encouraging each other to get fit! Just friend me and I will add you! Lisa~

  4. good for you!!! i have started running again. it isn’t fun like it was when i was younger and in shape. but, i am trying and feel a little stronger each time. it is hard to make the time to get out, but it is only 20 minutes. i am not sure how to make it work when my son starts wrestling practice and we are running low on daylight, though. i may have to get creative.

    1. Lindsay, I will be praying for you to have a creative idea for getting some exercise in. It isn’t easy for busy moms! Have you ever tried TTapp? It’s a great 15 minute workout video! If you’d like to join my Facebook group of women trying to get healthy send me a friend request and I would love to add you! Lisa~

  5. *sigh*. I ought to be doing this too. We have a quiet road, though our weather is less than ideal – not that I have that as an excuse because I have a treadmill (gathering dust). I *really* do need to make a daily habit of it – I could easily do it in the mornings.

    You have done SO well … you’re an inspiration, Lisa. Well done!

  6. Oh no, I have heard myself say those excuses. Though I do not know what to do with the kids if I want to walk alone (they are all very young)? Also, as someone else commented, it is cold out. It was one degree the other morning and my pregnant self does not feel like slipping on ice.
    Going to have get creative in my walking in the house or something. Ideas?!

    1. Megan, it can be hard to figure it out! Can you workout before your husband leaves for work? Or after he gets home? Or maybe there’s a friend you could walk with…..but for now don’t slip on that ice! (we don’t have ice here)

      How about a quiet workout inside with a DVD? It’s not as much fun as walking, but there are some really great ones.

      I’m praying for you! Lisa~

  7. Lisa – you are such an INSPIRATION! I love following your pics each morning. I have wanted (and known I needed) to get in shape. I desperately need to eat better and move more. I am going through a tough time (I was diagnosed with severe depression and OCPD). I’m going thru a divorce and I lost my job last year. So I have NO excuses not to start taking care of myself (I have all the time in the world) but it’s as if I don’t care. I know that God is not done with me yet. I have 3 daughters that need me. I just need to get motivated. Do you remember what it was specifically, that got you to start? This post was wonderful. And right now I am saying I’m going to do it. And you are so right, what a wonderful time to spend chatting with God about your day and everything and anything else that comes to mind. I wish I had a beautiful road like yours to travel, but I am able to find beauty in my big city, as well. I will let you know how it goes in the morning :). And thank you for always being such a positive, encouraging, inspirational angel from above. You truly are a gift!

    Hugs ~


    1. Oh Jean I wish I could come and give you a big hug! You have had so many difficult changes in your life recently. The good news is that you can take this and turn it into an amazing testimony. I want to hear how you are doing and if you’re keeping up with taking better care of yourself. I have been thorough very difficult depression and I know how hard it can be to break through. You are in my prayers! Lisa~

  8. Lisa,
    First, LOVE your blog. You are an inspiration in many ways. I am so happy for your progress in getting healthy. If you want to kick it up a bit, give the couch to 5k program a try. I started in in February, after many years of walking for exercise. B the way, I am 54 and NEVER ran before. You start out so slow, and the apps to use are free. They tell you when to run and when to walk. You don’t really get to running three miles at the end of eight weeks but you are running for thirty minutes straight. You burn more calories in the same amount of time as walking, your resting heart rate will drop as it gets healthy, and your legs will get, oh so toned. Plus that awesome endorphin rush. God made our bodies so amazing, and you’ll be amazed at what you can do. I ran six miles yesterday and it felt awesome. I liked the Ease into 5k app. Oh yeah, you can put your own praise and worship music on the app so you are still listening while you walk/run. Let me know if you give it a try, I’ll be your biggest cheerleader!

    1. Thanks you so much Rachel! These are great tips and I will definitely look at those apps. I like anything that is about “easing” in. 🙂 We can cheer on each other! Lisa~

  9. You are such an inspiration! I would love to start walking and/or exercising. I have never been an athletic person (except for the occasional softball, volleyball, or soccer games). I’m too lazy and I have been anemic my whole life so exerting really wears me out. Walking with my 3-year-old is not very conducive to good exercise since we have to stop every 10 feet to pick up sticks or to look at something. Speaking of Gracie, here is a message from her:

    GRACIE a6gwhvvvwwfvggzggggggggggggvvgggggvvvgggvvbggvvgcvvvgvvf vvdfhx xsayhayaququqgqquuqyqyqtqtyaqttatyaya67qq66atrfs gqyux gaggagaahgagahhggahhhajjhsgsg gagssgsgwsftsfßvcde whwhwqgq bgsa qgghaga svahabbbgagbzujavavvxsvfcdgfyd9ivu4iygdge555tfhgyykjkjndbhcb

    Her favorite letter is “G for Gracie Beth!”

    I stay up late most nights in order to get things done that I can’t do for more than a few minutes at a time (photo editing, computer stuff, etc.), and I’m not a morning person so getting up early to walk before my husband goes to work would be an extra burden. By the time he gets home and we eat supper, I’m too tuckered out to think about walking or exercising. I know, lots of excuses. It’s just hard to find a solution.

  10. Oh, you describe me to a tee. I got in shape two years ago, ate well, started to jog and wanted to enter a 5k. I felt so great about myself, but then my rheumatoid arthritis kicked up in my knees and I hung up my running shoes and haven’t put them back on. I also stay up too late (see time stamp on this comment), feel tired in the morning when I should be ready to face the day with my kids and I also sneak in a half hour nap. I do give myself grace on that nap because RA does affect my energy level. HOWEVER! If you can get up an hour earlier than your kids and walk, I can too. It’s darn cold and snowy in Chicago right now, but I have to stop making excuses. I like how you just do it every day and then it’s done!

    Also, I’ve had trouble waking up and wanting to start my day with praise because I feel so slovenly and make an idol out of my first and second cups of coffee. Ok, it’s late. Let me go find those running shoes and re-name them walking shoes and get myself geared up for a praise walk in the am. Blessings to you! I found you on Pinterest…

  11. I’m 64…kids grown and have wonderful grandkids AND I’m so trying to lose weight and become healthier. Sometimes I walk or swim fairly good distances, otherwise times my intentions are good but my body isn’t willing. I’m currently trying Nutrisystem and still barely losing. Would appreciate your motivation and prayers to obtain my goals!

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