
What to Do with the Last Piece of Cake

I found this written on a piece of paper under the lid of the cake plate when I was lifting it down from its place high on a shelf.  Hope said she wrote it one day when there was only one slice of cake left and the boys were trying to figure out who gets it.

There is one piece of cake left and everyone feels the need to be polite.

What’s the solution?

If there is an elderly person you should always offer it to them.

Another rule: If you have a guest you should give it to them.

3. If you want the other person to have it make it obvious that you are happiest without it.  Leave quietly without making a scene.

4. If you really want it say so boldly and honestly so as not to make the other person uncomfortable.

5. If two people would rather have it you should beg the other person to take it inventing any excuse you and can using your most persuasive tone.  They’ll be grateful and indebted to you and think you are a really nice person.

If they don’t, you know you did what was right and get your own satisfaction for it.

If all else fails and you’ve nowhere else to turn, rule 6: Give the piece to Hope.

by Hope Pennington

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