
Don’t Talk About Money on a Date and Other Life Lessons

My weekend kind of continued on through Monday and it seems to be just sliding on into the rest of the week.  Maybe it’s because we have so much fun around here.  Maybe it’s because I don’t stop long enough to notice the weekend is over.

On Friday afternoon I kidnapped my hard working husband and took him out for a date in the big city.  It’s been weeks since we had any alone time and his business/school is starting to wear on him.  I knew just the thing he needed…what every guy needs when he’s feeling overwhelmed…James Bond.

We went to see the new Bond film (I am NOT recommending it, by the way) and then out to dinner.  It was really nice to have some time for just the 2 of us.  We barely argued at all, except for the part when we stupidly decided that Red Lobster was the place to discuss our Christmas budget for this year.  It went something like this: Me, “Dear, I plan to drain the bank account over the next 30 days.”  James, “Dave Ramsey, Dave Ramsey, Dave Ramsey.”

On Saturday, after our family breakfast, it was time to fill my etsy orders.  My little sweat shop workers and I spent the whole afternoon whipping out Christmas stockings and creating new products.  I just love being in the shop with my kids.  I think I’m more relaxed than when we’re in the house because there’s nothing pulling on me.  We all work together, everyone has a good attitude, they help each other, we listen to music, it really is a little piece of Santa’s workshop.

These chalkboard ornaments are my new favorite.  You can write whatever you want on them to make them fit your style.

Sunday the weather was so gorgeous we decided to slow down and do a little relaxing.  We did shoot some pictures for the blog this week, but overall we rested. I adore leaving the doors open and letting the cool breeze flow through the house.

In the afternoon the little boys and I had a long talk about chores and responsibility.  I went back over their chore charts and reminded them what each job meant.  Sometimes, even though you’ve used the same system for years, you need to have a refresher course. I have noticed a difference in their efforts since we talked about it.

Monday morning I got to share my heart with the MOPS group here in town.  I love talking to MOPS groups.  They are so exhausted that they have very low standards and seem to enjoy anything.  It’s a very low pressure speaking gig.

After MOPS I met Sara in town and we got pedicures.  It was a perfect end to a really sweet and restful weekend.  I hope you had a good one!

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  1. Lisa,

    You are such a creative person, why don’t you make inexpensive Christmas gifts for your kids this year? That way you don’t have to drain the bank account and you can stay on the Dave Ramsey plan.

    1. Heather, I was definitely exaggerating. I think me saying I will drain the bank account is more what my husband hears me saying rather than what I actually am saying. Communication between boys and girls ain’t easy. 🙂 But you are so right….I am planning to make things for the kids. Thanks for the reminder! Lisa~

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