31 Everyday Ways to Connect with Your Child, Day 8: Whistle While You Work

Since we talked about dance yesterday, let’s talk about what to do when you can’t just stop and crank up the music.  Sometimes you have to push through and do your work but your kids need to feel connected with you still.  Maybe you’re having company for dinner or you’re late for an appointment and you just can’t take a break.

But what we CAN do is enjoy the work while we’re doing it.  Instead of whining about a job, make the best of it.  While you’re working together, share with your child something you enjoy about it.

Me, for instance, I hate cooking.  Hate it.  I am 100% sure that when all of the kids are gone I will never cook again.  But since I have to cook now, I tell the kids things I do like about it.  “I love knowing y’all got a good meal tonight,” and “I enjoy thinking about having dinner together while I cook.”  Life isn’t about doing what you love, it’s about loving what you do.

When your kids are doing a job they hate, ask them to tell you one thing they like about it.  Even if it’s really small….even if it’s pretending they’re a pirate while they “swab the deck.”   Then cheer them on.  Let them know that even though they have to do jobs they don’t like, you understand and care about helping them find a way to make it more enjoyable.

Whistle while you work.

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(If you subscribe to my blog through reader or email, you accidentally received day 11 already.  Sorry about that.  I should know not to work after midnight.  You will get it again on the 11th, so I hope you liked it!)

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