31 Everyday Ways to Connect with Your Child, Day 5: Smiling

31 everyday ways to connect with your child

I think it every day…..”This one is my favorite.”  I guess each of these ideas is so special to me because finding little ways to show my kids I love them brings me such a deep joy.  It’s not about gifts, or false praise, or big gestures…..it’s just simple, sweet love.

Today I want to share about smiling.  I noticed a few years ago that I tend to correct the kids when they walk into the room, “Your shirt is too small,” and, “Did you clean your room yet?”  I corrected them immediately and I didn’t smile.  I wasn’t letting them know how glad I was that they were around.

Be sure to smile at your kids every day! | The Pennington Point #parenting

I decided that I wanted them to make sure they knew I was really glad to see them, not just constantly thinking of ways they needed to change.  So I began to look for gestures to show them how glad I was that they are here.  I never (OK, maybe not never but I sure try!) say anything correcting when they first walk into the room.  Before I mention their hair looking messy I give a BIG OL’ SMILE  and say hello!

When I see them I smile and in a cheerful voice I say something like, “Hey baby doll!,” “Hey my love, whatcha doin’?,” or, “Hola mi amiga, como etsas?”  Then I ask them what’s up and how can I help.  I smile and make an extra effort to show that I am so glad they are with me.

It’s that simple.


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  1. LOVE this reminder. It’s so easy to forget to smile at our kids (and our husbands too). Thanks so much for this series – really enjoying it!

  2. Lisa !!! I so hope you are going to put all these days into one e-book at the end of the 31 days. How many busy, frazzled, mumma’s do we all know that these thoughts and ideas would be a true God-send to. Where were you when I needed this 30 years ago? Oh …. that’s right …. you were in kindergarten !!! So simple – SO powerful !!!. Bravo !!!!

    1. Felicity, thank you SO much for the kind words of encouragement. I am thinking about making this into an ebook. But I really HAD to laugh at your last comment. I’m not quite as young as you think. 30 years ago I was about to turn 20. LOL! Lisa~

    1. Amy, thanks so much for the nice compliment. It’s such a treat for me to have you stop by for a visit. Tomorrow I’ve got a really fun tip for connecting with the kids. 🙂 Lisa~

  3. Okay, so 1.) I saw something on Oprah years ago that I still remember to this day. It was this lady talking about how when kids walk into a room they want to see your eyes light up. I still think about that….because I find myself doing the same thing. You aren’t dressed yet? etc. Got to work on this! 2.) I have been thinking I need to put up some inspiration around my house. Like framed Bible verses, inspirational quotes, etc. I could put each one of these that I’ve read so far up. They are great reminders of putting everything else aside and just showing the love. Thanks!

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