
31 Everyday Ways to Connect with Your Child, Day 29: Imagination

I am constantly amazing by my kids’ imagination.  They think of the most fascinating things….from dreams for their future to pretending to be in another world.  To keep a strong connection, sometimes you need to join them in their imagination.

If I hear the kids playing an imaginary game I will sometimes head over and ask, “Can I play too?”  I am very, very careful not to take over, but to just play what they were already playing.  The goal is to become a part of their world, their imagination, their dreams.

I’ve been a rescued princess, a monster, a table, sometimes I’m s-s-s-0000 cold, sometimes I’m flying.  No matter what, I try to enhance the play and maybe add a little bit of permission to have an adventure.

Go ahead Mom….stop your work and play with your kids.  Be a part of their world and let them know you care about even those teeny, little things that they love.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook for reminders about my webinar on this series, November 5!

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