Pinterest Friday Numero Trienta

I’ve been Pinning my little heart out lately.  I started a new board a couple of weeks ago called, “Selflessness.”  I was encouraged by the number of ideas I was finding for helping others.  So I thought I’d share some of those with you today.

There are a bunch of great ideas for meals to take to someone in need.  I love taking meals to people, but I’m not the best cook and it doesn’t always help to show up with frozen pizza and Oreos.  So I’ll be looking at this list the next time it comes up.

Take them a Meal Blog has lots of awesome ideas!

Simple Bites is another wealth of hospitality creativity.

This post from NiceGirlNotes is full of great tips for helping new moms.

Being an introvert I appreciated this post from Decrescenio.  It will help me understand the extroverts in my house.

Lastly, this post from See Jamie Blog blessed me.  I need to do more praying for my husband. Besides the general prayers, he’s got extra needs since being married to me is no picnic.

If we all look for one way to bless someone else this weekend we could change our world.

Have a great day!

Don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest.


  1. Lisa – I can’t imagine that being married to you would be anything but pure joy! Your husband is truly blessed, I’m sure! All of our husbands need prayer though and sometimes I just get lazy about praying for my hubby’s specific needs. When I do though, it’s amazing how much more smoothly his life, and as an outflow of that, our family life goes. Not that we don’t struggle with many issues or face trials, but when I am specifically praying about those areas we seem to learn and grow from those hard things rather than rail against the lessons learned through painful circumstances. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Heather, isn’t it amazing what praying for our husbands can do?! This was a great link and I have referred to it often. What I love the most is how when I pray for his little things that bug me God doesn’t change him but He changes ME! LOL!

      And you are wrong….I am a fairly high maintenance wife. But James seems to think he’s blessed, so I’m not going to be the one to point out the obvious. 🙂


  2. I reckon if our husbands think they’re blessed to have us, then we just leave them happy in their delusion … that’s my reckoning anyway!

    I have not been to Pinterest yet. not. one. visit.

    I was (notice the ‘WAS’?) determined, but your links here have got me.

    When my husband decides it aint such a picnic being married to me after all, YOU, Lisa Pennington, shall be to blame…. Got it? 🙂

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