Singing for Your Country

Happy Independence Day!

Flying from California to Texas is a great way to spend July Fourth.  I get to look out the airplane window and see America from above….in all her majesty.

I’ve been gone/busy so much for the past month that I haven’t gotten to do my usual teaching the kids of the meaning behind the day.  Maybe when I get home I’ll sing them a loud, happy rendition of “God Bless America.”  That should cover it.  Or at least entertain me, which is just as important.

I was looking at the news this morning, trying to find some Independence Day facts to share, when I came across the news that Andy Griffith passed away yesterday morning.  Oh dear, now I am sad.  “The Andy Griffith Show” is our family’s very favorite thing to watch together.  I have all of his CDs (did you know he made some classic gospel albums?) and “Matlock” is also a favorite of mine.  Surely he will be sorely missed.

It will cheer me up to see my family later on today.  I have missed them something fierce.  I plan to lock myself up in the house with them and spend the next week hugging and kissing them until they beg me to stop.  It can’t be helped.  I’ve missed them too much to control myself.

Those patriotic songs I plan to blast them with will help also.  There’s not much I enjoy more than annoying my kids by singing at the top of my lungs.  James loves to do it even more than I do, so we will have a grand party later.  James on one side of the living room, me on the other….the two of us belting out music like a wonderful Dad/Mom stereo holiday gift.  I should start making a list of songs.  After “God Bless America” we can sing “Yankee Doodle Dandy,” “Grand Old Flag,” “America the Beautiful” then end with, of course, “The Star Spangled Banner.”  Nothing tops off an evening like that high note…..”and the la-and of the FREEEEEEEEE!”

Happy July Fourth to you all.  I hope you get to spend the day with your loved ones.  And sing a song for me….sing it really LOUD and FREE!


  1. I hit mine with a super warbley rendition of God Bless America the other day. You’d think they’d be dizzy with all that eye rolling and ear plugging.

    Enjoy your trek from the ocean white with foam back to “mountains” of our Hill Country!

  2. Haha, what is about us parents loving to sing to annoy our kids! We have all the 8 seasons of the Andy Griffith show. That will always be my favorite show, unless a new better show comes out,which I don’t think is likely in this day and age.

  3. I am glad you are home and within hugging distance of your loved ones again! I can’t wait to see pictures of the shed transformation. As for singing, well – I’ll let you handle that department! I dearly wish I could sing – sadly my voice is very weak and I don’t even have the ability to yell – when I do raise my voice I sound like a strangled chicken. It isn’t pretty. My singing is the worst – I sound like a pregnant goat (or so I’ve been told) so I just do my best to praise the Lord with the congregation at church and keep the solo singing to a bare minimum. If I get too loud, children start to turn around and give me funny looks so I praise loudly in my heart and quietly with my mouth. I used to sing to our children and when they were very little and didn’t know any better they thought it was ‘beautiful’, but now they know the truth. In Bible College every student was required to sing in our little choir – in fact that was the rule for over 20 years – but than I enrolled and they changed the rules. I got to travel with the school, man the literature table and sew up ripped choir dresses instead. My husband can’t carry a tune in a bucket which may or many not be worse than my perfectly pitched goat voice, but I sure am looking forward to heaven and the new voices we’ll get there to praise the Lord with continually.

  4. Mark and I sang The Star Spangled Banner to the kids in the car yesterday. In my mind I thought I was Whitney Houston, but from the look on the kiddos faces I don’t think I was. We have found the very best way to annoy and aggravate your children is to sing together in the car. They have no choice but to listen. Its good stuff.

  5. We spent the day hanging out, grilling burgers and hot dogs, swimming. We spent the day with new friends who are new to our area from TEXAS! I love them!

    Hope your singing went well! 😉

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