Question & Answer Day

The weekend was a little, well, hot.  As the temps climb I will be more and more inside or in the car with cold air blowing straight in my face. I don’t do heat very well.  So I live in Texas.  Makes sense.

This morning I want to reply to some of your questions. They’ve been piling up in my inbox, so I thought I’d answer a few this morning.

1. I love your little deck makeover but why did you redo your deck that was already wonderful?  The little deck I just showed you is a different deck than the pool deck with the wonderful, long bench.  Yes, we have like, 4 different deck areas.  Why?  Because I am spoiled and James likes to build decks.  Plus a few years ago someone gave us a BUNCH of old decking material that they ripped off of their house, so until now it’s all been practically free.  In fact, we’re about to build another one onto the guest house.

2. Can you help me with a child training question?  Yes, I’d love to!  The thing that I love the MOST about this blog is being able to help other women.  I love it and I wish I could go to all of your houses and sit and visit and talk in person.  I get a lot of emails asking for parenting advice and because of time I won’t always be able to answer each one privately, but if I don’t I will try to answer the questions in blog posts, in the book I am working on or on Facebook as much as I can.

I am happy to get your emails and you are welcome to write anytime!

I pray for each of you and when you email me it sends you right to the front of my full brain and I think of you even more!  If I haven’t answered your email it is simply a time factor but I am praying for you and about your questions and will answer if I can.  I completely adore each of you and you mean SO much to me!!!

3. How do you get it all done?! I definitely do NOT get it all done.  I have a basket of junk in my bedroom that needs to be put in other parts of the house and it’s been overflowing for weeks.  I never exercise.  I plan to exercise, I want to, but it doesn’t get done.  I have school papers waiting to be graded, my bathroom shelves are filthy and my storage building is a gigantic MESS!  I do get a lot done but I also have a lot of help with the kids and truthfully, that’s part of the blessing of having well behaved, respectful, caring children.  They help when needed and they leave Mommy alone when necessary.

4. Where do you get all of your ideas?  I get asked this frequently.  Honestly, I don’t know.  What I do know is that when I have a dilemma, no matter how small, I pray.  I ask God to give me some idea or inspiration and He always comes through.  I will fret over a problem, like what color to paint the bathroom or how to furnish a weird little spot in the house, then I will remember to pray and within a short period of time I start to get a clear idea.  I give Him all of the credit and the best part is that He is there for you too!  He’s right there waiting for you to ask.  Then just be still and wait on the answer.  It doesn’t always come right away.  Sometimes His answer is for me to wait and let it go for now.

I am so, so grateful for each of you and the blessing you are to me every day.  Thanks for asking your wonderful questions.  It still amazes me that anyone reads this blog.  Y’all ROCK!

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  1. Lisa, you a e cool. Period. I just wish we lived closer to one another. Thanks for sharing your gifts and the wisdom God has given you on this blog. You have encouraged and challenged me many times. Oh, and I don’t exercise either…but I wish I did 😉

    1. Charity, you are so sweet. Thanks for telling me you don’t exercise. I know it shouldn’t, but it makes me feel better! 🙂 Lisa~

    1. Oh yes we should definitely swap places! Some cold right now sounds heavenly. Lisa~

  2. Um, I just started following your blog and this is basically the first time I’ve read something of yours off my feed. Can I just say, perfect timing! You didn’t answer all of the questions I’m struggling with but, reminded me that no one can do it all! and to be sure to keep seeking God and he will com through. My mama is always trying to tell me this and I’m like but, can’t you just tell me what to do?! haha I need to remember to wait on Him. Thanks. <3

    1. Mrs Ogg I am so glad you stopped and introduced yourself. God does have amazing timing huh? Lisa~

  3. Lisa,

    I like these kinds of posts….I feel as if I get to know you better, after I read these. It would be great to have a day of good conversation!


    1. Thanks Deanna! I will try to do more of them. I like them too when I read other people’s. I like some real stuff in between all of the rest. Thanks! Lisa~

  4. Great answers Lisa. Your focus seems to be on God more than on yourself, and that rates an A+ in my book any day. I really like that you are real – you didn’t hide the fact that you don’t get everything done. Sometimes life is ugly. It’s not always perfectly clean, organized, and magazine photo shoot perfect. For some of us it’s never that way. Thanks for being real. It encourages us that even though we aren’t going to attain perfection we can work toward making progress. You give us some creativity and a dose of humor along the way that makes me smile. ♥

    BTW, I don’t exercise either but know I should. It’s been on my wish list for a long time, but it’s rather difficult to move it to my done list.

    1. Thanks Missy, you are such an encouragement. You are so right, sometimes life is ugly and that’s OK. It’s supposed to be that way, right? Great point!

      I’m so glad we can encourage each other! Lisa~

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