The World’s Most Boring Blog Post

I don’t have interesting things to say this morning.  I’m just so happy that the cowboys didn’t get eliminated on The Amazing Race.  I was worried.  They are my favorite team.  I don’t think I could take it if Kent and Vixen win.

The weekend was full of cleaning and organizing and decorating.  We got the house all jazzed up and ready for the spring weather.  The windows were open and it was perfection.  I asked for a screen door for my birthday.  On a nice day I like to let the breeze waft through the house and I don’t want the chickens to wander in.  They already think they own the place, but if they could come in the house all would be lost.

So we (“we” being Jacob) put up a screen door and I am loving it!   I don’t have pictures yet.  I gave five haircuts on the porch this morning and just got all of the bits of hair out of my mouth and I don’t want to go back out there.   How do you hairstylists do it every day?  And don’t even get me started on how long it took me to clip all of their nails.  Why do I have so many kids anyway?

Oh yeah.  Because I like them.  They’re pretty fun once they’re all clipped and coiffed.  (yes, I had to look up how to spell that)

Tomorrow we’ve got guests coming for a couple of days.  Then on Saturday I’m off to Dallas to do some speaking there.  I’ll be talking about how training your children to obey creates a peaceful, joyful home.  If you can’t be there, here are my Top Ten Child Training Tips to tease you.

Happy Monday!


  1. Oh my goodness! The cowboys! You caught me – I do not like to watch much t.v. for various reasons, but we did happen to the AR last night! I love the cowboys! My husband likes the mom and deaf son, and they seem nice, but the cowboys! They’re cowboys! Definitely couldn’t take it if that marilyn manson look a like won.
    Don’t know if I’ll ever catch it again, but now I know I can count on you to let me know.

  2. I need a new screen door, at my back door, a child decided to swing on it the other day and it is now broken! So I will be asking for a new one too!

  3. Have fun with your friends. I’m sure they are excited to be coming and you all will have a
    terrific time together! Love you all, Cherie

  4. Hi Lisa, Where will you be speaking in Dallas? I live nearby and would love to come hear you if possible. I read your blog faithfully. You are a great inspiration to me. Thanks.

  5. Dear Lisa,
    Ha! Funny how we all click over to read a self-titled “boring” post! For the record I wasn’t bored… rather amused by the chickens… no ipods here, we’d never get anything done, chicken-dancers that we are! Can’t wait to see your new door.

    BTW, maybe you had so many children so you’d never be bored! and totally understand the hair-cut thAng – I have three to do and I’m always glad their hair doesn’t grow any faster.
    I think we should do a study on why we mothers never notice the dirty/untrimmed nails until we’re somewhere where we can’t do anything about it!?!

    Intrigued in NE

    P.S. I can’t be in Dallas but I am going to spend some extra time one of these days reading up in your parenting tips… I need all the help I can get!

  6. So sorry I missed your birthday. Hope it was a lovely day! Your children are so sweet to give you that beautiful recharging station. What a clever idea!

    We are looking into getting chickens this year. Any advice? {I already have screen doors!} See? Even your “boring” blog posts are useful and inspiring to me! Oh, and I love your spring decorating of course…

  7. dear Screened,
    I love that word ‘waft’. I use it any time i can too. Oh, and I love that you asked for a screen door for your birthday! Sounds like something I would do. Affordable, practical, and you will enjoy it everyday!
    By the way, those hens are bee-you-tiful!!! We only have one left, and hoping to get more this Spring.
    looking out my screen door

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