A Little Bit of Uninteresting Information

I thought I’d join in the Blog Hop over at Pensive.  It’s for some of us sad, sad bloggers that didn’t go to BlogHer ’10.

I thought it would be a good time anyway to tell you a little about things here at The Point.  I’ve got a lot of new readers and I thought it would help to tell you a few important facts about who I am.

1.  I am a Christian.  We believe the Bible is the Word of God and we make our decisions about life based on it.

2.  I have 9 kids that I homeschool.  The oldest 2 are graduated and the youngest just turned 3.

3.  This blog is divided into 4 different pages.  “Lisa’s Blog” is where I write about child training and random, useless thoughts.  “At the Point” is home decorating, farm stuff and general things about our home and family.  “Kids’ Blog” is where my kids write stuff that’s meant for other kids to read and “James’ Blawg” is where James intends to someday start writing blog posts.  (James is my husband, CPA and law student).

You can subscribe to the whole place by clicking the RSS feed on the home page.  But if you just want to read about my home decorating or if you’re only interested in my child training posts you can click the RSS feed on those individual pages.  If you want to follow us without ever getting any posts in your RSS feeder then click the one in James’ Blawg.

I love all of you that read my blog.  I wish I could meet you all in person and give you a big hug and serve you some of my not-so-well-cooked food.

You could stay in our guest house and we could eat brownies and encourage each other and let the kids play.


  1. Hi, I hopped on over from Blog Hop and I have to say, love your blog! I appreciate meeting other Christian women bloggers, and am often inspired by them. Hope to “see” you around!
    .-= Tami´s last blog ..Blog Hop 10 =-.

  2. I’m hopping by to say Hi! Thanks for your comment on my blog! I’ve enjoyed perusing yours and will certainly be back!! It’s so wonderful that we women of like mindedness can share, support & encourage through this medium! “See” you soon!
    .-= Annie H´s last blog ..Our daily schedule =-.

  3. Love the look on your blog! And my, what a beautiful family!

    I am a Christian blogger, too.
    I wish I had enough patience to homeschool.
    And I love your etsy shop!

    Off to browse your archives!

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