
My sweet husband is in a crunch.

Did I tell you he went back to school last year?  Yes, I’m not the only crazy member of this family.  He is wrapping up his first year of law school and it’s been a doozy!

Next week he will take his finals.  I wonder how long it has been since he took a final.  I’d have to get out my calculator to figure it out, so you can just trust me.  It’s been a LONG time.  I honestly don’t think I could remember enough information anymore to take a test.  Ick.

For the past few weeks he has been coming to me with a stack of flash cards.  It’s about three inches thick and I am supposed to drill him.  Uh, Hon….kinda busy here.  Naw…..I’m a good wife.  I drop whatever child I am holding and flash him….the cards that is.

These are law terms….criminal, contracts, torts.  (I don’t even know what a tort is, but I know it’s boring).  Here is an example of what is on the cards….

The front says, “Doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitur” and the definitions reads, ” A breach of defendant’s duty may be presumed or inferred if an accident occurs which does not normally occur in the absence of negligence, if the source of the negligence which must have occurred lies within the scope of duty owed by defendant to plaintiff, and if it can be demonstrated that neither plaintiff nor any third person contributed to plaintiff’s injury.”

Are you SERIOUS?!  I can’t imagine how he remembers all of these definitions!  But it does make me wonder why he can’t remember where we keep the forks.  Hmmm…..I may be onto something.

I should make some little flash cards for him.  They could say things like, “Forks” and on the back say, “Kept in the middle drawer in on the kitchen island.” Or, “Laundry detergent,”  “A cleanser containing enzymes, polymer and whiteness booster intended to lift off stains with ease.  You can find this in the utility room next to the big, white machine with a round window on the front.”

I really am proud of him.  I think it’s amazing to go back to school after all of these years to pursue your dreams.  Me, I can pursue my dreams with a wet saw and a few trips to the hardware store.  I’m easy that way.


  1. Oh that is so funny. How can my husband remember complicated drug calculations but not to check Austin’s math or how to wash Fiona’s Hair. I guess it is a male trait.

  2. congrats to your DH for making it thru his first year and good luck on his finals.
    What a major accomplishment and good for you supporting him along the way.
    Makes me happy people are following their dreams.
    I really enjoy reading your blog
    .-= kathie´s last blog .. =-.

  3. When David studied Greek and I had to do the flashcards, all I could say was, “It’s Greek to me.” I guess you have to say, “It’s Latin, to me!!!”

    Many blessings for all of you during finals!
    .-= Laurie´s last blog ..Baptism =-.

  4. Hi Lisa,
    You have the neatest blog! I read your profile, wow, you are one busy lady! I would love to live on a mini farm and have goats! Thanks so much for visiting, and for your nice comments. Now I am off to check out your Etsy shop 🙂

  5. I remember drilling Eric on his Emergency Procedures while in flight school… I made him be WORD PERFECT! I had just a little stock in him living through an engine failure in his helicopter. 🙂

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