Time is Flying!

Am I the only one who feels like time is flying by too quickly?

I do have a lot going on, but still…..

When did my baby start learning his alphabet?  How can that happen?  He’s barely out of the womb.

When did my Gracie turn 20?  How did that happen?  She just stopped using her pacifier.

When did Jacob get a job?  How can that be?  He just told me yesterday that he would stay with me forever.

How is that that all of my girls can wear my shoes?  They just finished wearing “sparkly princess shoes.”

Noah and Adam are learning angles and theory.  How?  When only yesterday they learned to crawl.

I know we’re supposed to want them to grow and have their own lives and their own families.

But couldn’t it happen a little more slowly?


Linking to One Blessed Lady


  1. Totally agree!!! Even though I still have babies around the house I wish my older ones would slow down. They used to get a little annoyed when I would tease them about this but now they are more good natured about it. I look forward to seeing what their futures hold but at the same time I miss the past. I think this has really helped me to embrace Josiah’s babyhood even though there is another one on the way. In the past I have been guilty of hurrying them along when I am expecting a new little one (hurry up and walk, talk, feed yourself….) but this time I am relishing and enjoying this little guy so much….he deserves a sweet childhood too 😉
    .-= Charlsie Swadley´s last blog ..It’s Been 3 Years =-.

  2. I hear you. Seemed like yesterday I just potty trained my oldest and now he is training his oldest. The Lord is so gracious to me by giving me another little one (they are 20 years apart), I can relive parenthood for about another 18 years. 🙂

  3. Okay, make the pregnant lady cry! Maybe that’s why I keep having babies.

    Thank you so much for linking up with me. I was so blessed that you came over. Thank you for being an example of a godly and fun mom.

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