
The Sun is Shining!

The sun is shining!

We haven’t seen the sun for days….many days.

It reminded us all of “The Long Winter”. That winter that lasted for months and the Ingalls family had no food or light or heat. Thankfully we had frozen pizza and the Wii. Otherwise it would have been almost exactly the same.

Isn’t it sad how we think we’re suffering when we have so much? That’s what I loved about reading the “Little House” series with my kids. We could all see how we are blessed beyond measure and probably, if we’d admit it, with too much.

Don’t ask me how many iPods we have in our house. It’s embarrassing. I wonder what Caroline Ingalls would have thought of that. Each kid listening to their own music while taking care of the animals.

I’m so glad we have the farm animals to keep us grounded. There’s nothing like cleaning up goat poop to give you humility. Or the chicken coop….don’t get me started on the chicken coop.

If you think we’re spoiled…you should meet our chickens. They each have their own iPods too.

I wonder what they’re listening to.

I’ll bet they like Rascall Flatts as much as I do.

“Me and my gang….it’s a brother and sister kinda thang….”


  1. You're so funny! If any chickens had their own iPods and decorated co-op, it would be yours. 😉

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