Dear Confused Friend,

Dear Abby,

I have a friend, Mary, who called me this morning with a question.

I want to know what you would do, or have done, in this situation.

Here’s the question….

Mary has a friend. A good friend. They have similar beliefs, vision for life and Christian foundation. They have had a good and trusting relationship. As of late Mary has seen a change in her friend’s children.
Her friend’s children are rude and ugly to Mary and Mary’s children. They have a very bad attitude…one that she knows her friend would not allow. She isn’t sure if her friend even realizes that it is happening because Mary has only seen them do it when her friend wasn’t in the room. Mary has seen other small changes also, but nothing that she can put her finger on.

Does Mary say something to her friend?

Friend of a Friend

Well ladies, I want to know. What do you do? And in case you’re wondering, this really is a friend. It’s not me. You all KNOW that I would have said something. But that’s me. I could be wrong. It’s happened once or twice. Stop laughing.