The Piano Bench

You all know I can’t go two posts without telling you about my latest home decorating project. Today’s was a small, easy one. Yes, it was too easy. I mean really. Anyone could have done it. Really. Why don’t you believe me? OK, I’ll show you….

Last Friday it came. The piano that my kids have been praying for for years. We have wanted one for so long and then out of the blue God gave us one. An older lady couldn’t play anymore and she finally accepted that none of her children wanted it, so she was willing to give it to us. All it cost me was $100 to have it moved.

I do plan to clean it up and do some other things to it eventually, but the bench couldn’t wait. It absolutely HAD to be recovered ASAP. I mean look at it. Ick! Yucky! Ptooey!

In case you can’t tell, the bench is covered in a gold and avacado green fabric. You know I can’t tolerate no gold and avacado green. So I stopped into an uppity, fru-fru, la-de-da fabric store on Saturday morning while I was in the big city. There were some gorgeous fabrics. As I was trying to decide how much I wanted to spend I saw the little section of odds and ends and what do you know…but there was a perfect fabric over there that was just the right amount for $2! Two dollars people! How cool is that?!

I only needed simple tools….a flathead screwdriver, needle-nosed pliers and a staple gun. See? Nothing hard about that, right? It’s mostly elbow grease. Just pulling and yanking at those staples until they are out and that awful, ugly fabric is gone. I think I heard the bench actually sigh in relief.

And in less than half an hour….voila! The bench is recovered.

Then I just set it back onto it’s original spot and all is right with the world again.

Aaaahhhhh…..I feel so much better now.