A Return Request

If you’ve been to my house then you will not find this post interesting. In fact, now that I think about it, even if you haven’t been here you probably won’t find it very interesting. But I am going to write it anyway because I promised my friend over at Peterson Clan.

This is a tour of where we live (the outside only). I can’t show it all to you because I don’t have a wide angle lens for my camera (a problem I am now determined to remedy) and when I went out to take these shots it was too sunny. But this is it folks. I am not taking house pictures again until I get a better lens. So imagine everything a lot greener than it looks here.

So here it is. The castle. My domain. Here, I get to tear out walls and re-arrange furniture and organize to my heart’s content.

I was standing in the street to take this picture. Yes, that’s right. I am willing to risk life and limb for my blog readers.

Our beautiful oak trees block you from being able to see the whole house. If you were driving past our house, this is the view you would have.

Now I will pan over to the left so you can see the guest house. We have a circle driveway and we made a little parking space for my car right at the end of the porch so I can easily bring groceries into the house. DUH parks in front of the guest house.

For this next picture I walked around to the right side of the house. When we did the landscaping a year ago, we built this white rail fence. It just serves to define the yard, but it doesn’t hold in anything.

Here I walked up to the fence and snapped a shot of our outdoor eating area. It is all under the shade and there’s always a breeze. It’s perfect for our outdoor dining.

From there I simply swiveled about 45° to the right and here’s what you can see….

The garden area (we do not have a garden this year) is on the far side of the chicken coop and the chickens have a fenced in yard behind the coop.

In the big tree between the two playhouses we are building a fort/tree house. It will eventually be like a whole kid village. It has long been in the planning stage and now DUH and the kids are beginning to work on it. The fence in front of the playhouses is where our two dogs live.

To give you the full experience, while I was taking these pictures the dogs were barking, the roosters were crowing and the baby goats were bleating to be fed. It smells like fresh flowers and there’s a gentle breeze blowing.

I was going to turn another 45° to the right and take a shot of our field. We have about 6 acres in that direction. But when I did it, it was just going to be a boring picture of land with our neighbor’s trailer at the far end. So you will just have to trust me. That’s where the goats and horse graze.

So I walked a few steps back into the back yard. This is where it starts to get ugly. Well, see for yourself…

From that exact spot I turned to the left and you can see the front side of the guest house, office and storage building.

About 20 steps toward the back of the yard get you this lovely vision….

So I decided that was enough. I did snap one last picture on my way back into the house. This is *N* standing on the new deck we built last winter. As you can see, I have some trim that needs to be painted. But we love this deck. The kids eat lunch on it a lot.

OK my Peterson friend, I hope that gives you a little bit of insight into my life. I need to show you the inside. It’s waayyy better than the outside. (plus it’s not so hot inside!)